Down Lane Podcast Bowling Show

PBA League Draft Breakdown - Season 4 Episode 14 - Down Lane Podcast

Kyle Haines & Anthony Scaccia Season 4 Episode 14

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The guys gather in the shop to breakdown the results of the 2024 PBA League Draft. 
#bowling #PBA #PBALeague


Kyle Haines
Anthony Scaccia

Austin Van Buren

Active Aggression

It kind of helped him advance.
I mean, do you think this is a conspiracy?
Gotta go with Jacob Butter.
Gotta go lefty.
We're talking about the players.
That's tournament champion.
There he is right there.
Oh, he doesn't even know how to watch.
Go to and search Downlane Podcast.
Hey, everyone.
Welcome to the Down Lane Podcast.
We are streaming live from the lab at Town & Country Lanes.
I'm your host, Kyle Haynes.
And with me is the super fast oil machine man, assistant to the host, Anthony Skacia.
Wow, what an applause.
Did you hear that?
Dead silence.
Drop dead silence.
It's great to be here today.
It's 7.04 p.m.
on December 14th.
Mark it down.
Mark it in X. Move on.
Next frame.
Let's do it.
awesome how's it going tonight awesome how's it going tonight awesome how's it going tonight it's going good you got me the it's going good you got me the it's going good you got me the squeaky chair dude squeaky chair dude squeaky chair dude i didn't have any last minute i didn't have any last minute i didn't have any last minute struggles so i'm feeling good nice struggles so i'm feeling good nice struggles so i'm feeling good nice nice yeah no uh nice yeah no uh nice yeah no uh no sudden no sudden no sudden emergencies that popped up emergencies that popped up emergencies that popped up out on the lanes tonight no there was out on the lanes tonight no there was out on the lanes tonight no there was nothing looks pretty entertaining
um i almost sold a ton of plastic i know right i only i mean guys would have been fighting over 12 pounders and i say let them bowl you know like you said play where it lies i mean it is what it is uh but we're gonna move on from that and uh i'm gonna take my zinc um power me up because kyle is all about uh oh you gotta take the zinc if you have a cold man that is the only i'm just starting to get the symptoms and kyle is a big zinc guy so uh we're gonna take the whole bottle here and see what happens you know man
What's up, Chloe?
Thanks for joining us tonight.
Chloe, great to see you.
Great to see you, Chloe.
So on tonight's show, we are going to be breaking down the PBA Elite League draft results from last night.
Very interesting.
A lot of stuff going on.
A lot of ups, a lot of downs, a lot of lefts, a lot of rights.
People that I didn't think would be picked and people that I thought would be picked that didn't get picked.
That's right.
Couldn't agree more.
and uh before we do all that don't forget to like subscribe click the bell to get alerts from the channel hold up got more cotton than zinc in there it's true i mean it's strong i mean oh my goodness um check out the no thank you check out the etsy shop um and uh check out the shirts that we got in there we got our thing bang shirt in there we got our bowlers bowl lefty love food i gotta get into more of this stuff
Zinc and orange juice.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Time out, Deke.
Thanks for coming.
You cannot drink any citrus or eat citrus within 30 minutes of taking that before or after.
I know.
Do you not remember the Masters?
We were literally on our way out, and I was like, dude, I don't feel you.
You're like, here, take this.
And then immediately after, I drank, like, freaking Gatorade or something.
It literally said, do not drink anything.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15 minutes after or 30 minutes after for that stuff.
I've been a good boy.
So I don't like the way these taste anymore, though.
No, they're not good.
Oh, they're horrible.
They're not good.
Oh, orange cream circle.
I thought it was good.
It's terrible.
It's a homopathic.
Yeah, whatever.
Yeah, what that guy said.
Oh, geez.
All right, if you guys can't watch on YouTube, don't forget you can always download and listen on your favorite podcast service.
With that being said, how was your guys' week this week?
I'm going to wait for that to dissolve.
Austin, how was your week this week?
I had a good idea.
I bowled good for once on Monday.
I easily could have had 750, but the first game, I big forwarded the 10th on a string of like four or five.
So that was fantastic.
After that, I made one move and struck the rest of the night.
One move and that was it.
Yeah, I made one move.
I moved five and one left and never moved again.
Yeah, so five and one.
Good gracious.
That's an angle.
That's a steep angle.
I did make a significant hand position change.
Yeah, so Thursday, I finally got a number.
My average might bump up a couple of pins.
No more handicap for you, bub.
Hey, sorry.
We talked about it in the outro, and the outro never made it in the video.
Well, you know, got to know your recording equipment.
i had the same exact problem though i had the same exact problem though i had the same exact problem though because i was recording like some of my because i was recording like some of my because i was recording like some of my videos wouldn't record either yeah yeah videos wouldn't record either yeah yeah videos wouldn't record either yeah yeah that's so tonight we bowl we're talking that's so tonight we bowl we're talking that's so tonight we bowl we're talking about guys mine was a about guys mine was a about guys mine was a odd not about memory issue it just for odd not about memory issue it just for odd not about memory issue it just for some reason the video corrupted it was some reason the video corrupted it was some reason the video corrupted it was out out out and it gave up it it literally read as a and it gave up it it literally read as a and it gave up it it literally read as a file
I could not get it to read as a movie file.
Even though it said movie file, it was just a file.
It wanted to open word.
That's not good.
Well, so, uh, yeah, Thursday I shoot 10 30 had a lot of X's that night.
i was clean it was a really really i was clean it was a really really i was clean it was a really really spectacular night spectacular night spectacular night uh my partner nick harris he shot like uh my partner nick harris he shot like uh my partner nick harris he shot like 970 970 970 uh opened in the 10th the last game so uh opened in the 10th the last game so uh opened in the 10th the last game so that we would miss 2000 by just a few that we would miss 2000 by just a few that we would miss 2000 by just a few sticks thanks nick harris congrats you sticks thanks nick harris congrats you sticks thanks nick harris congrats you stink stink
And not only did I shoot 1030 and was clean, I lost to Andrew after he was on the show.
So how about this?
Andrew Hall, the guest on the show, and then he thinks it's okay to just beat me by like six sticks.
Oh, maybe you should have done better.
I don't know.
And we had to split the clean pot.
How much was the clean pot worth?
It was low this week because it was only one week carryover.
If you didn't go through the face and leave the fence in that one frame, you would have beat him.
Listen, you're right.
That was an adjustment, too, by the way.
Was it?
I did actually move on that shot.
It hooked early.
So I moved my feet, but I left my eyes.
Looks like I just rolled out of bed.
You always look like you rolled out of bed.
So anyway, I moved my feet left, but I left my eyes where they were.
So it just immediately went to the dry spots.
So you tried an Andrew Hall move?
uh you could say that but we weren't on a pba pattern um but anyway yes i was i was because i was anytime i move left i'm afraid that i'm just gonna half ten on the house shot here because it's just you know anyhow shot it's just loaded in the middle yeah you're right so i you know i don't want i do i was afraid to go one and one so i was like all right i'm gonna go one board left keep my eyes right there
and i i actually threw the shot good and i actually threw the shot good and i actually threw the shot good and it just went it just went it just went i think i saw some sawdust like i think i saw some sawdust like i think i saw some sawdust like it was a good shot but the ball read like it was a good shot but the ball read like it was a good shot but the ball read like 10 foot sooner than every other shot yes 10 foot sooner than every other shot yes 10 foot sooner than every other shot yes yes it did and then i made a quick yes it did and then i made a quick yes it did and then i made a quick adjustment and strikes the rest of the adjustment and strikes the rest of the adjustment and strikes the rest of the night it was like yeah so but thank you night it was like yeah so but thank you night it was like yeah so but thank you for splitting the clean pot with me for splitting the clean pot with me for splitting the clean pot with me andrew and uh beating me by six sticks andrew and uh beating me
Anyway, how'd you bowl last week?
We bowled Digger's Devils on Sunday.
Deke asked the question, how's Jacko feeling?
Oddly enough, Deke, he decided to not be stubborn for once and use a different sliding pad on his shoe because he's like, oh, I feel like I'm really sticking.
He never changed on Sunday.
And then Monday he changed and said, man, the pain's going away.
I said, imagine that.
Sliding with a knee replacement?
Holy crap.
So he's doing pretty good now.
He seems to be not saying he's done and finished anymore for the next week at least.
Next week we'll probably hear that.
This week, I don't know.
I don't even know what I'm shooting this week.
Oh, I do know I shot on Monday.
Tuesday, you can't count.
I got a little angry.
Monday, I drilled 12 new balls or eight new balls because I'm assuming the new PBA rule, no plug, I was told.
i have heard there's plug i've heard there's might not be allowed plug from the regional guy so yeah we're talking specifically because on the on the national tour you can't have plug or uh or two-year-old two-year-old balls yeah but in this case i wasn't sure how the if my stuff would be legal i asked hey how about the plug and then the regional guy said oh we were we might not allow it and i'm like well you might not or you like you shouldn't shoot kind of
know like in november so um with the winnings from my tournament some of them went to new equipment because i needed to also with the grip change and all the plug and all this and that it just made it easier on myself so i drilled up about six on monday six maybe four
Just six.
Four on Monday.
I drilled just four on Monday, and I went 270 out of the gate with the Widow 2.0 pinned down.
That was with two practice shots.
Next game, I shoot 189 with the hazmat, pinned down, same layout.
Next game, I go to my theorem and shoot 277.
Then I go back to the hazmat.
It's like, hey, let me see if I can make this work. 193.
So that is right now the weak ball out.
But we did drill a bunch of bowling balls.
Me and Kyle, Nick Harris, and Jake got a good practice session last night.
We had only four to show up.
So it was actually nice because it was a little bit quieter.
I went through all the new stuff, which I thought rolled pretty good for myself.
I'll probably talk about maybe...
how they rolled i thought they were pretty good they were they're pretty down late i had some stuff that rolled a little earlier i'm gonna have to iron some stuff out but all your stuff seems to be rolling pretty similar now whether you like that answer or not what obviously something's gonna roll here versus down lane a little bit be a little smoother versus angular but they're all like nothing is like dead straight no everything's everything's pretty everything's getting to be in the same basic shape
I would disagree, but that's okay.
I knew you were going to say that, but I'm just trying to make a point.
Except for blue and purple, which play left of 10.
You don't think that my mindset rolled differently?
Okay, well, that thing is just like sandpaper on the way.
So you don't think... Honestly, you still stand far right and pitch it way left.
All of your balls are still going left to right now.
Yeah, some stand up hard.
Well, not necessarily.
I mean, I tried to play there, though, too.
I understand.
To see how they would react that way.
But what I'm saying is it seems like they're all kind of generally...
in the same shape they're going they're going left interesting and what it's just whether or not they are rolling this many feet down the lane or that many feet down the lane oh that's good then i'll take that that's what i'm saying i'm not saying they're my point is they're like i've got a pretty drastic difference between this end of the spectrum versus that end of the spectrum when it comes to bowling balls i'll use three layouts too so i mean they are gonna they're gonna be yeah we're just gonna let ball mechanics take over that's how i bowl
So, like, I can tell a difference with my stuff where, like, if I use my Evo, for example, my Quantum Evo, I've got to move right.
I can only play straight with it, play straight on the right side lane, down lane or straight down the lane.
And then I have each bowling ball I choose.
I then have to move left and start getting angular.
But it seems like most of your stuff, except for the blue and the purple, obviously, those play straight.
I mean, they'll make a right hand turn.
I think the pin-down stuff rolls like the pin-down stuff.
The benchmark stuff rolls more like the benchmark stuff, except for the theorem, because that one's still kind of whippy, but it's not as angular.
And the quick response stuff rolls like the quick response stuff.
I do see a little bit of a difference, but that's just me.
Yeah, it's just how it's coming off the corner, it seems like now.
Yeah, so they're all different.
Are they a little smoother, a little harsher?
Yes, but I was just saying the zone seems to be the same.
Oh, okay, yes.
Yeah, okay.
Well, I got to still sand them down, so we'll see where they go.
I didn't think they were too terrible.
The sanded stuff, I could see a drastic difference.
Oh, yeah, much smoother.
With the sanded equipment.
When we got with all the polished stuff, all the polished stuff, the shiner stuff was a little bit more condensed.
But I will say the Ethos Pearl was definitely the blendiest, we'll call it, down lane.
It was the farthest down lane, I thought, and the smoothest by far.
That wasn't even close.
The GB4 Hybrid, freaking whoa.
it was incredible yeah that thing definitely corners hard yeah the hazmat i think was a little smoother yeah the hazmat was smoother if you remember i you know there was 15 down there yeah i know just from your bags so i i remember i remember them all everything looks pretty actually i think everything looks pretty good i'm pretty happy with it it's gonna make sure that my hand feels pretty good still i feel a little bit of usage on the forearm now for the first time
Cause I'm bowling more with the new grip.
So I feel my fingers working a little bit more.
So getting a little more weight on the tips.
Yeah, exactly.
And I'm using them a little more.
So, um, we'll see how they go tonight.
Maybe I'll just use less fingers.
Cause I used to just push it.
Now I know that it really just, I literally pushed it off my hand.
Like literally same time.
Now it's thumb out and there's more weight there.
I'm using my hand to create some, some roll on the ball.
Um, but I think my ball motion overall is better too.
Cause now I can get right now.
pretty well like last night i was right pretty far yeah i could throw it to the edge and get the hook i think i could have gotten straight too but i was playing more to the right whatever so um nita is happy with my my balls too thank you um pin down everything hooks at your feet you could or you could just use a longer drill angle on those asymmetrical but pin down will definitely give you a little bit more length a little bit less flare so it'll help you push the ball down lane too
Yeah, it definitely gets down the lane.
It's not supposed to read the friction as soon as... Of course, it all depends on the cover stock too, but... Well, yeah.
All your drilling pinned down.
Yeah, my balls drilled pinned down are like 45-degree drill angles.
so in terms of i think 45 is the middle of the lane because 90 is the highest you can go the higher the number the longer it goes so i actually picked mine to go kind of right in the middle of the lane which i do see with that widow 2.0 that widow 2.0 when it catches the friction if there's a hook spot there it hooks i mean it slows down right in that spot so um i got a little bit of a longer pin though to try to keep me close to the friction but it is what it is
Zachary, excellent comment.
It's a good point.
Maybe we should all try it.
Thumb delete might help.
Kyle, you need the thumb delete.
It'll make my life a lot easier.
I like that comment.
Thumb delete.
I do have to say thanks to Anita for plugging up some of my bowling balls last week.
Anita does a good job.
Actually, Anita is getting very good with the layouts.
Layout queen.
He, he, she, I don't know what they identify as can come in and, uh, he can, he can, or she can come in and do some layouts.
So, um, it was actually, we've been talking about it.
We went through my arsenal, what I've just drilled.
And he was asking a question about where they should fit in and what, what they were kind of drilled for.
So, um, it is good.
Cause he's kind of bounced some stuff off.
If you need a layout, maybe ask Anita.
I mean, she thought she is pretty good.
Andrew K., what's going on?
What's up, buddy?
What up, Andrew K., AK47?
Can I say that on the show?
I don't know.
I'm sure we'll get flagged.
I just want to throw in there from Anthony's feeling his forearm a little more.
I finally don't have pain in my arm.
What did you change?
The only thing that's changed is I lost the switch grip and went back to the old thumb.
different pitch or is it different pitch or is it different pitch or is it just a different feel identical i just a different feel identical i just a different feel identical i don't think we've changed my thumb in don't think we've changed my thumb in don't think we've changed my thumb in two or three years two or three years two or three years nope nope nope weird weird weird also hasn't changed his thumb since i also hasn't changed his thumb since i also hasn't changed his thumb since i drilled for him besides clt clt is drilled for him besides clt clt is drilled for him besides clt clt is the only thing he changed yeah my the only thing he changed yeah my the only thing he changed yeah my thumb's never really bothered me very thumb's never really bothered me very thumb's never really bothered me very rare i don't deal with blisters or rare i don't deal with blisters or
Andrew, I just want to let you know, stay tuned for a little later in the show.
I think you're going to get a little angry elf action.
That's his favorite saying, angry elf.
From who?
I'm the angry elf.
You are, always.
Have you seen your son?
He's just like you.
You don't have an elf-like hat on.
I know.
Maybe next week.
That's our Christmas episode.
Sorry about the cold, folks.
I'm sorry I had to blow my nose.
It was killing me.
So let's get right into it.
Let's talk about the PBA draft that happened last night.
That happened last night?
Yeah, I know you probably didn't know because you didn't tune into Bull TV.
Dude, I was busy drilling my own balls, all right?
I had to finish them up.
I'm pretty sure my... I got Bull TV anyways.
I'm a freaking PBA guy.
I got freaking Bull TV.
You tell me when we want it.
You got Bull TV up the wazoo.
You freaking right.
I got to renew my subscription.
It should renew automatically.
Uh, yeah, I, I locked that guard cause I paid it off.
Oh, okay.
Um, anyway, uh, Hey brother, Danny, what's going on?
Coming back in 25 after he gets his shoulder straightened out.
Let me tell you something.
You've been telling me that for three years.
Okay, Bobby.
I mean, Dan, uh, geez, uh,
I don't understand how you guys are brothers.
You guys look completely different.
Have you seen my kids?
Yeah, they are literally you two to a T. It's the weirdest thing.
But yeah, it is what it is.
But Danny, I can't wait to have you back.
Alright, so let's talk about this draft that happened last night.
First and foremost, I will start off with my Angry Elf comments and not much has changed that I always comment about when it comes to Bowl TV and when it comes to PBA.
I will say the production stepped up
like a quarter of an inch they had talking like a one out of ten why can't you just use yeah can you just use like a number well it was so minus it was so minuscule it was so minuscule that i had to find like you know a measurement that was that was worth even using 16th of an inch that would that's even smaller
um i've got a few things to just grind i've got a few things to just grind i've got a few things to just grind my gears right away well hang on my gears right away well hang on my gears right away well hang on has nothing to do with the hang on a has nothing to do with the hang on a has nothing to do with the hang on a minute i'm talking about production minute i'm talking about production minute i'm talking about production right now all right right right so i do because they used an excel so i do because they used an excel so i do because they used an excel spreadsheet literally spreadsheet literally spreadsheet literally just to show the players that were just to show the players that were just to show the players that were left on the board left on the board
They didn't even have graphics ready.
Listen, I get it.
I know who we're talking about.
We're talking about the PBA.
They don't have, apparently, any budget to do anything.
And it just looks like what we were doing when we did our draft.
They watched.
Yeah, right?
Because they watched how to do the PBA Elite League, and they watched how to do the draft at the same time.
Literally, when we did our draft,
you made that yeah but our not the the rankings yeah we were like dragging and dropping images right or uh when we did our draft uh years ago when we did our uh fantasy league you know there was uh a spreadsheet like that or whatever but like we're talking about the pba you know a professional organization they couldn't even have a graphic ready to to display the names of who was left and who was who's uh picked um
you think that they would make it they gotta have photoshop something like they could take the picture drop it in and then put their what i would do is just put their their sponsors on the picture they definitely have multiple editors on staff uh i would argue that they have a editor a media person
I'd hope they have more than one.
No, definitely not.
The way I've been able to see it now, it's clear.
They have one staff writer.
Nolan Hughes is the only writer for that website.
So there's got to be one person running the website, one person doing the media stuff.
Writing is a little different than editing, though.
They both take a lot of time.
But regardless, my point is there's not a lot of workforce at the PBA.
So that aside, you've got the graphics.
That looks silly.
They did at least have... I always forget his name.
The guy that's always on Bull TV.
He's always doing the commentating.
He does a pretty good job.
Shame on me for forgetting his name.
Shame on you.
But he...
he at least brought something to the table where it wasn't just Tom Clark sitting at his desk being like, all right, we're going to bring up Carolyn and we're going to do the draft for round 1.2 or whatever.
Round 1, pick 2.
yeah whatever so uh 1.2 at least gave a little bit of um back and forth where it's while the coaches were deciding on who they were going to pick or managers i should say um you know he could bounce some some things off of uh the bull tv guy and he you know he could give some stats or some chuck ritchie is that who you're thinking is it dj flat again
oh mike flanagan that's who i think it oh mike flanagan that's who i think it oh mike flanagan that's who i think it was thanks andrew yes mike flanagan was thanks andrew yes mike flanagan was thanks andrew yes mike flanagan thank you andrew um thank you andrew um thank you andrew um so uh so uh so uh yeah so he would uh bounce some stuff yeah so he would uh bounce some stuff yeah so he would uh bounce some stuff off of him and it would make it a little off of him and it would make it a little off of him and it would make it a little bit more of a show bit more of a show bit more of a show all right last comment all right last comment all right last comment where is the broadcast from yesterday where is the broadcast from yesterday where is the broadcast from yesterday like like like i want you i watched like i want you i watched like i want you i watched like i looked for it on youtube today i i looked for it on youtube today i i looked for it on youtube today
Because I go to the PBA archive on bowl TV, nothing.
If they're editing it to put graphics in, come on, come on.
Dude, why couldn't it just be readily available?
It's 2023.
You can instantly rewatch all of your shows on TV.
They streamed it.
Ours is readily available 10 minutes after it's streamed.
You should be able to go back and watch it, especially the day after.
You know what I mean?
Editing takes time, Kyle, like you said.
There was no editing.
It's all done.
It's live.
They're putting in the gosh darn highlights.
i'm just saying i wanted to go back and i'm just saying i wanted to go back and i'm just saying i wanted to go back and watch it because i didn't get to watch watch it because i didn't get to watch watch it because i didn't get to watch the whole thing and i wanted to see some the whole thing and i wanted to see some the whole thing and i wanted to see some whatever you know flanagan was saying whatever you know flanagan was saying whatever you know flanagan was saying or tom clark was saying
And anyway, how about what really matters?
Kyle instead of production value, production, production value matters.
It gets people interested.
It gets people excited.
You know, you should have stats and talking points about all the different players.
Just like us.
I know that they don't have the NFL money.
I'm just saying between they have lean talk though.
Now they have stats for everybody on lean talk.
yeah no i'm not saying they don't have the stats i'm saying the the production value where you can uh you didn't look hard enough dude i searched all day long maybe it just came up maybe they just added it i don't know but when i every time i click pba archive nothing happens so i i think anyway so what hang on what i was getting that was like between how on the nfl between draft picks they go through all different players options and then they say okay and then they say uh um something like uh
They say something like, you know, so-and-so has this many catches on the season.
They do have the stuff from Lane Talk now.
They have some of that information.
So I don't know why they do that.
And then also, like, super secret, like, they'll say, like, oh, it looks like they're going for...
chris barnes uh you know we're getting intel that's you know whatever that's i think that's a little yeah that's a little fun yeah but that's what the you know that's i'm just saying what the nfl brings that you know they could get some ideas from you know what i mean i'm not saying that they're gonna get there i'm just saying ideas uh to make it more interesting more watchable yeah i mean i i get what you're saying
um baby steps though things i have real gripes about the team names are ridiculous okay that's what really matters here come on the adam splitters let's start off with team number one the bolero lax i didn't know that when you go watch football and you go watch the sofi stadium los angeles rams who does that just make it the lax dude i'm 100 with you and then you got
Okay, what about New York's now gone?
It's New Jersey.
First of all, are they the only professional sports team in New Jersey?
Because everybody else is in New York.
It's the city.
And it's not even like they have home teams.
Yeah, just the New Jersey Devils.
Go bowling.
Go bowling.
Dallas Strikers.
I don't get it.
I get it.
I mean, the team names were bad enough.
No, I like it.
As they were.
I love the team names.
The Vegas High Rollers.
That was a good name.
That's cool.
All right.
The New York City Kingpins.
That's kind of cool.
That's cool because there's Kingpins.
The Adamsplitters.
Come on, dude.
The Adamsplitters are so cool.
Are you kidding me?
You don't like that name?
No, that is a cool name because we're freaking out Adam's boy.
The Motown Muscle, that's perfect.
All right.
That's cool, but it should be Detroit.
LAX, that's cool.
I'm down with LAX.
The Port of Lumberjacks, where else are you going to see a lumberjack?
Dallas Strikers.
That's a cool name, too.
Like, I think the names are the Waco Wonders.
We always hand the Wonders, but they're the team champions.
I love the Wonders because they are wondrous.
They're the eighth wonder of the world after last year.
So let me tell you, hit a B on that.
They're the eighth wonder of the world, okay?
But let me tell you, the names are good, but don't put the sponsors in the front.
That's not my favorite.
Listen, if I had to change one thing... It does look ugly.
It looks weird.
It's just too long of a name.
The North Carolina...
panthers what is their stadium called oh dude the ralph wilson yeah that's uh buffalo bills yeah exactly that's what it would be like yeah it just doesn't make sense um that that's what grinds my gears yeah i don't care about production value so you're gonna be like okay and next up is the bolero lax uh they're gonna be facing off against the go bowling dallas strikers
the people who are watching it who don't know are like why are they saying random yeah random like are they just like did they pay for the sponsorship to say before team like the team names it is definitely weird uh yeah like name a single team like like you said all of those stadiums have um sponsorships fine but like you definitely don't see the uh i don't know the the chase bank you don't patriots
It's Gillette Stadium.
I know.
I'm just saying.
You don't even know.
I said it's not the stadium.
Let me ask you a question.
What stadium are the Dolphins in?
No, SoFi is LA.
The Hard Rock.
Okay, they're in Hard Rock, but it took you a second to think about it, right?
Okay, because you don't really know.
I do know, but I just don't care.
Exactly my point.
So it doesn't matter.
That's what I'm saying.
You don't really know.
Like, is that something you associate with the Miami Dolphins?
Unless you go to the game, you're associating with, oh, the Miami Dolphins.
You're not thinking hard rock.
Like the hard rock, Miami Dolphins.
That would be weird.
Oh, shut up.
They suck.
I called it that Facebook post.
that aged well, as they say, as the kids say these days.
I mean, I just... I'm sorry.
I'm just... The names are bothering me.
The names are terrible.
I know.
The names are cool, but the sponsor... Yes, the new names are terrible.
I mean, the Waco is the eighth wonder of the world that won last year, so... I mean, I almost hope that they just don't say it during competition.
I hope to God.
Well, listen, here's my thing.
Everybody gets their own jerseys, right?
So why aren't they getting...
Here you go, PBA.
Here's the next idea for you.
Because they listened to us before.
Get your sponsors.
Everything we say comes true.
Go ahead.
Does it really?
A few things.
So why don't you get your sponsors on the front of those shirts?
They do.
So you're going to tell me that it's going to say Bolero on the front of it?
100% it will.
But that's what I'm saying.
So that should be the next thing.
All teams should have a sponsor.
Take them off the front and put them on the front of their shirts.
The names.
Like Bolero LAX should be LAX, but put Bolero on the freaking front of their shirt.
On the back, put LAX because nobody uses numbers in bowling.
You don't really need a team name unless you want to put it across the top.
Could you imagine if we started using numbers?
I'd love it.
I think it's cool.
I'd be number X15.
All right, so let's get into the actual draft, the picks.
Sorry that I got upset about the names, Kyle.
Are you okay with that?
It's great.
I'm 100% in agreement.
I can't even argue with your factual statements.
You always argue with me, though.
I know, but I completely agree.
Go Wallings!
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All right.
Let's jump into it.
Number one overall pick for the LAX is... All hail the queen.
The Brit himself, Dom Barrett.
Down under.
From the down under, Dom Barrett.
How do you feel about that pick?
I mean, I don't think it's warranted.
I don't hate it.
The guy is good.
He wins with the people in the first round.
Is it the best pick?
I'm sorry.
I just want to see what you thought.
The first overall pick compared to everybody else in the first round.
Now, how about all the rounds?
Was he the best value player there?
Uh, I don't think so.
I think there's some big surprises in the other rounds that I think I don't know why they sat on for so long, which again, we don't know.
Maybe they tore their hamstring in the 40 yard dash.
I don't know.
It could be.
The thing that we don't get to see is, you know, how are they as teammates like we were talking about earlier today?
Because one thing that surprised me is Butters being in the third round.
Sixth pick in the third round.
So I would have expected him to be a lot higher, especially over somebody like, I don't know, Maldonado or Ogle or BJ.
I know Ogle's good, but first round, I don't know.
And then Stu Williams.
I mean, Stu, listen, I love Stu.
Been on the show.
Good guy.
But what have you done for me lately?
Yeah, but you've got to look at Matt Ogle.
He had a great year.
Another guy who's interesting is BJ Moore.
He doesn't even bowl the tour full time.
He's like a half-timer.
So I've never seen him.
He made maybe one show, which is fine.
He made a show.
He did more than a lot of other guys did, but I'm pretty sure he might be a half-timer.
um is jacob gonna be healthy this year joey's asking if jake's gonna be healthy so i don't is he hurt yeah i don't even remember him being hurt this year his left leg or something walking sideways at the line i don't know uh or with his double double jointed fingers maybe we don't know how they tore a uh ligament ligament and is i'm sure he's fine i saw him throwing shots on uh on the
Oh, he bowled at the Holiday Doubles.
He was throwing a freaking axe on a freaking house shot.
Yeah, he was freaking hooking like 25 to 5, and Kevin Williams was like, what do you throw?
He's like, an axe.
He's like, you mean the plastic, the low... He's like, yeah.
He's like, I'm not the drone when you want to look at those for tour.
I'm like... Can't.
Oh, wait.
Oh, the new axe.
Oh, not the old school axe.
No, we're talking like the plastic...
low friction resin ball wow uh yeah that's right andrew lefties don't get injured we just move left more um yeah no i so that's interesting actually i you're right i think i didn't even see him down there um because i i kind of i glanced over because nobody really stood out right away um i think sean rash could be higher my boss is down my boss is in uh round two
I think Sherman and rash and Jacob butter.
Uh, I think that's a, that's a really strong case for first rounders.
Oh, well, Sean rash for sure is a huge one.
The only issue there is, is that's the one with his injuries.
This is back.
Um, but Kyle Sherman, I don't know.
I can see him being a second or third rounder.
Cause he's.
But I'm saying out of the first round guys, like the second round, I mean, all right.
I mean, I love Jake Peters game.
I picked him high last year.
Team Zelo.
I mean, I guess the rest of the second round doesn't really... I don't know.
They don't really speak to me.
I was saying... I like Russo in the second round.
Barnsley being in the second round?
Yeah, that was high, I thought.
I think he's a first rounder.
Listen, I get it.
He's good.
He's always been good.
He definitely... I don't know.
My biggest thing is he's more of a straight player now.
Compared to the kids, yeah.
How is he going to benefit the team?
I mean, sometimes when everybody's hooking it, sometimes you need somebody to play straight.
Butterf is injured.
That's what they said.
He seemed to be throwing it pretty good the other day.
No, he was.
Maybe he got hurt there.
I don't know.
Somebody said on Barnsley.
Well, I didn't watch that today.
That's right, Richie.
Bowl is bowl, baby.
Get up there and go.
But A.J.
Johnson replaced him in the 2023 injury Pan Am Games.
Yeah, I mean, that's good, but I'm pretty sure he literally bowled this weekend.
Yeah, he definitely did.
So maybe he's injured where he can't travel.
He's not sure if he's going to be able to bowl all the games.
So the holiday doubles is a little bit better.
But he's still got only a couple of weeks now until the first event.
I mean, still.
Yeah, but they got six guys this year, too.
So he doesn't have to play right away.
He can be benched for like a week or two and make sure he's okay.
That was another point that they made.
That's why they added a roster spot.
Yes, they added spots.
They should have, I think.
Well, we can get into snubs or whatever you want to call them.
I will say, before we get to that, I think Jason Sterner is a first-rounder.
Just because of the way he acts in team events.
He's always the one that's fired up.
He does bowl really good on the team.
I will agree with you there.
Yeah, but you just look at it.
He hasn't done anything for you lately, like you said, with Stu.
All these guys are great.
Okay, somebody said he was hurt last year, Jacob.
He looked great at doubles last weekend.
So there we go.
We got some more insider information, so keep putting it in the comments, guys, because we want to get our information correct.
But as far as Sterner, he just hasn't done anything for me lately.
He's kind of like Stu.
They're both great players, but if you look at the list, I mean, Sean Rash even hurt Jacob Butter.
I like Kyle Sherman in the team event.
I mean, those are three guys in round three.
I like Chris Barnes, and I like Jake Peters.
I even like Matt Russo as first-round picks over those guys.
Over who?
Who would you take out of the first round?
I'm not saying in the first round.
I'm just saying they're better than, I think, Sterner in this situation.
They're a more valuable pick.
But obviously we don't know how they act in team and how they work with the team because we're not on the sidelines.
And that's a whole element.
We've talked about that before.
You're taking all of these super high-level PBA guys who are singles bowlers and cutthroat.
That's at least how you expect it to be.
I'm in my zone.
I'm here to win.
And now you've got to go into a whole team element.
You've got to go at the same time.
Yeah, you've got to be like, I just bowled the worst block in human history.
And now I've got to go bowl with five guys.
That I had to bowl against.
That might have beat my butt.
That absolutely destroyed me.
And now I've got to try and pick it up for them.
Yeah, and be happy.
I guess the sixth roster spot is good, though.
Because if I bowled bad, I'd be like, sorry, dude.
I'm out.
Like you can pick up Johnny Joe Schmo for me.
And also the coach can be, hopefully they're watching and seeing, okay, he had no look on this pattern this week because they're bowling on the same pattern.
Oh, exactly.
So they can make game time and say, Hey, why aren't the, uh, the stops, the actual hometown teams?
Why aren't they the bowling centers?
I agree with you.
Like, why isn't it like, Hey, we're bowling it, uh,
cold water the cold water cold waters the cold water tide the cold water rivers the cold water tides i don't know why wouldn't it be like that or something like that anyways um instead of the random places where they bowl or at least a state but um yeah i don't know i i we can get onto snubs and stuff but the first round first over pick down bear mr irrelevant fourth round the last pick the draft tom hess mr irrelevant
Ooh, got hot in here.
Well, that's what they say on the football.
The last pick in the draft is always Mr. Irrelevant.
Is he going to become relevant like Brock Purdy and Tom Brady?
I mean, this is bowling, so it's a little different.
But what does Tom Hess bring to the table?
He brings in teamwork, absolute great knowledge on the lanes, and he keeps it close, and he's a great player.
How many times did he win this last year in the senior year?
he played fantastic he played bowling very well so you know for him it's it's tough not to take a guy like that i guess because first of all he's going to waco with parker bone stew williams mitch hupe dj arper dj arper ryan simonelli he's dj harper and uh he fits in quite well with that crowd of the we'll say more vetted players he's good man i like the the vetted players on the waco wonders after the he's going to the reigning champions
Listen, my only thing is we've got guys on here.
Let's just say it.
You got A.J.
Chapman, Matt Sanders.
These guys, Santu.
Santu bowled pretty good this year.
Who knows if Santu can get the time off?
He's got to freaking go catch a Tasmanian Devil.
I don't freaking know before they hibernate.
How are you always going to be there every week?
But you're going to be on that sucker too, Ross.
I would say that if you're going to be in the league, you're going to be showing up every week.
Yeah, I mean, you've got to be there.
The other thing too is, I mean, I know these guys go left to right big time, but AJ's always super left to right.
That's true.
So, like, does he fit in?
Like, maybe the coaches, we can get into it.
I mean, obviously a lot of guys go left to right, but...
you know, maybe he's too far left to right than some of these.
I don't know.
I'm just, I'm just throwing up there.
Cause you never watch his videos.
He's always super far left.
I never see him super, super straight, except for maybe he made the cheated championship a few years ago.
But, um, I mean, maybe the thing I'm saying is know what they're going for.
The only thing I'm bringing up is, uh, not in Tom Hess's case, cause he's an actual teammate on the, on the roster.
You've got, uh, Parker bone, for example, playing manager player, uh,
What's wrong with that?
It's bowling, dude.
I'm not arguing that there's something wrong with it.
I'm just saying if you've got an opportunity where you can bring some players up off the list that weren't able to make it, why are you doing double duty when you can just take a step back and be a manager?
Listen, I know Parker.
I don't think this is the reason, but
maybe he's looking for the incentive for the cash they got a cash bonus this year right yeah and they won last year bowler manager so what are you gonna say about belmo huh kyle the thing i was gonna say about belmo is there we go he's a manager player but ain't no way belmo is not playing so if if he were to not be a manager he would be playing for sure let me ask you a question you think lebron james just sits on the bench unless the coach calls the shots
I don't know how LeBron James acts.
No way.
He freaking does the roster, too.
It's also basketball.
Give me a freaking break.
All they do is run up and down and throw the ball in the hoop.
It's the same amount of players.
He can literally call plays and do all that stuff.
So, like, why can't these guys do it?
These guys, first of all, as much as you don't like too handy, Kyle, they're almost fantastic.
And he's great on TV for explaining to people, so he can easily get these guys lined up.
Again, I'm not arguing that.
You're not arguing that.
Parker's been there for years, too, and
Clearly, they won last year, so why shouldn't he get another shot at running it back?
I'm just saying.
But they also took a couple of new kids, too.
I'm just saying.
Listen, the coaches are the coaches.
This is their call.
Well, managers, coaches, what do you want to call them?
Managers are called.
They call themselves managers.
Manager player, Pete Rose.
I mean, wait.
He gambled on his team.
Don't do that, folks.
Don't do that.
Who are the new guys this year?
I just had it, and I'm forgetting now.
Well, first of all, I'm just going to say that this looks like it's a great roster.
I like the added roster spots.
Was he there last year?
I like the added roster spot.
Zach Tackett and Justin Knowles are the two newcomers to the league.
I like the added roster spot for the injury factor as well.
Maybe a guy needs a break.
He's not bowling well, so I like that.
I like that that puts into play more benching and stuff like that because...
In reality, why do you need a manager if you only got five guys?
I mean, they're all going to bowl no matter what.
It's pointless.
It's stupid to have a manager.
Now you grow it six to seven guys.
Now you need to pick, hey, who had the best shot this week?
What are we looking like?
Who's going to play?
Who's not going to play?
Who's a game time decision?
I will tell you when it comes down to it, though, you need to have that person that's going to make the call because you could have five, six guys.
That's all say, I feel really good right now.
I want to be in.
Yeah, I get that.
So the coach needs you.
You've been on sports teams.
The coach needs to make the call when the kid runs up and says, put me in coach.
I'm ready.
And he looks at it and he goes, you haven't made a tackle all season.
Sit your butt on the bench.
Don't you ever say that because that guy wants it more than anybody else.
You put that guy in, you let him have it.
The coach has to make the call.
That's all I'm saying.
I can agree with you, but in this case, I don't know if there's any incentive to bowling these every week.
Look at a coach with a pitcher.
settle down um you know a pitcher is going to sit on the mound all night long as long as he can he's not going to take him out that's taking himself out that's debatable i've been out there when i've been dead tired saying i don't have much left there's a point where you get hurt and like you call yourself out but like
If you're only 50 pitches in, you're not dead tired and you're not hurt.
Listen, buddy.
The pitcher's never taken himself out.
Let me tell you something.
If I get shelled for the freaking... I got 50 pitches in the first inning.
You bet your butt I'm coming off.
I ain't staying out there past 50.
You may think so, but the coach is still always going to be making that call.
Listen, no coach ever came out and was happy when they came to the mound and tried to take me out.
Okay, tough guy.
They didn't like it because I never wanted to come out of the game.
That's just how it was.
But, yeah, exactly.
But at the same time, we're talking about there's no incentive on the line here, really.
I mean, what the heck?
But the point is, you need a manager to make that call.
First of all, you all know that Dom was going to throw the last shot.
You know EJ or Simon are going to throw the last shot.
You know Chris Vai...
or probably Tom Daughtery is going to throw the last shot.
You know that Chris Barnes, or probably Chris Barnes, are going to throw the last shot.
I'm going to say the next one is probably going to be Sean Rash or A.J.
Johnson or Matt Ogle.
And then you got...
Tommy Jones, because Bill O'Neal said he'd never want to do it over Tommy because Tommy is just unbelievable.
Not do it over him, but he loves Tommy as anchor because Tommy's done it for so long.
And then you go Kyle Trooper, Chris Prather, okay.
And then you got Ryan Simonelli because that's who they used last year.
I mean, you've only got to pick between two guys a team, if that.
It's not like it's really that big of a deal.
I mean, the guy's going to... And people know who's bowling well anyways, right?
especially in bowling.
It's not like you got to be like, well, he's running his routes really good today.
Or yeah, he's five for five on the floor.
Like if, if they come up with a game and I haven't missed all day, I'm ready to take that last shot.
Well, I've missed seven times today.
You haven't missed.
You got a better shot than I do.
It's a little more honest with themselves.
That's all I'm saying.
That's why you need a coach because not everybody's honest with themselves.
That's my point.
I see I get it.
I get it.
I'm not I guess I won't disagree because I get it and I've been there but at the same time it's five people like before there was there was no strategy involved.
There was no nothing.
It was like there's also no subs either.
No, we got five guys.
Run them out there.
Who wants to bowl first?
Oh, your name comes first in the alphabet?
Yeah, you're up first.
Like, you know, there's no strategy in this case now with more players.
It's like, we'll shoot.
Well, yeah.
AJ, how do you feel this week?
Oh, your finger hurts?
And game to game, too.
You can pull a guy.
Hey, you're not bowl good.
Yeah, I'm not feeling good today.
My ball reaction is not good.
All right, boom, let's pull you out of the game.
We got a sub to pull in, try to get something going for the team.
So, yeah, I mean, it is what it is.
I mean, manager player, it is what it is.
Nobody's going to argue with Belmore or Parker anyways.
Who's going to argue with those two?
How can you?
Yeah, Belmore is like, dude, I'll throw the back seven just for fun between my legs.
All right.
So then we got the guys that missed the cut.
We started talking about it.
We got Santu, Sean Lavery Spar, AJ Chapman, Matt Sanders, Michael Martel, Nathan Boer, Kim Bollaby, Zach Wilkins, all these guys.
had to be in the top 50 in points, win a title within 10 years, or be on a team from last year.
Now, the next few players did not make their points or win a title in the last 10 years.
and were only eligible because they were on teams, and those were Frank Snodgrass, Anthony Lavery-Spar, Ildemar Ruiz Jr., and Arturo Quintero.
Yeah, so Arturo got in.
Frank Snodgrass and Arturo got in.
Yeah, well, the funny thing is Arturo lives in Portland, so how are they not going to pick him?
They picked him in the last round.
That's like a... It was like, thanks, buddy.
You bowl good because you're in your home center.
Not you bowl good because you're in your home center, but like, hey, you've got the crowd behind you because they all know you too, so it's a little different.
It's a little more energetic for the crowd in the finals.
I mean, I don't know.
I mean, I look at the teams...
What do I really know?
Because I thought the Wake of Wonders were going to come to last last year.
So, I mean, what do I know?
I was the only one that trusted them.
Oh, I didn't.
First of all, all these guys are really, really good.
So, sure, I guess some guys can be flip-flopped here and there.
But, I mean...
Like they're all good.
That's the thing is like, who, who can you take out to even who's like, yeah, they don't pull out.
I mean, they're all, they're all there all the time.
I mean, the only guy that I could see really right now, just kind of looking at it would be like Tom Hess because he bowls the fifties.
So it's a little bit different.
I think, I don't know, maybe he got a few tour stops in and I didn't pay attention if he did.
So I apologize if he, if he didn't, he did pretty good in the masters this year, I think.
Him and Parker Parker did Parker.
Well, it said Portland was able to build their team from last year and added small.
So so Portland's got the same team and got Tom Smallwood.
So that's a good thing.
I mean, they got a pretty they got a good team every year.
So, yeah.
So, yeah, I don't know.
We're talking about Hirsch bowling.
Hopefully I pronounce it right.
I like this.
He's he's always got something going on here.
It's good I'm reading, but I'm trying to talk and read at the same time.
Yeah, I know.
He's got a lot of good information.
I don't know.
I really like the Go Bowling team.
Go Bowling!
I really like the... They got a really solid player in Peters.
They got Butter.
They got O'Neal and Jones already.
So Maldonado and Snodgrass are also two really good guys to pick.
I believe...
All those guys are Brunswick players as well, which we talked about a while ago being one team.
This is actually interesting because if all of them are knocking them dead with one ball, they got to go bowl the event.
It's like, hey, what are you throwing?
Yeah, we all got the same ball.
So we don't have to try and mix match.
It's right there.
I don't know how many other teams are like that.
I didn't really take a look.
Vegas is looking pretty good, too.
Andrew Anderson, A.J.
Johnson, Ogle.
I like Ogle and Russo.
Those are two.
And Rash.
They got experience there.
I mean, if Rash is hurt, bench him.
And then still got Larson.
Larson, Russo.
Are you kidding me?
Like, all of these guys are super good.
Yeah, I mean, it's a great team.
Another good team.
The Waco Wonders are another team to chat about.
You know, you got Bone, Simonelli, Stu Williams.
So he came over from LAX.
He was an LAX guy last year, I believe.
uh bowling with uh uh belmo's team he came over to waco wonders i believe that's where he was uh they got mitch who paid tom hess the home team it's kind of a home team flugerville yeah flugerville whatever the friggin is called uh floodville um
So, yeah, so that's good.
I like that team because, you know what, they kind of kept it close.
You know, Sterner is an interesting thing because he was on the team last year, didn't get put on the team this year, goes to the Akron-Adam splitters with a quite...
No-thumb team, kind of.
They got Chris Vai, Yesers Venson, the Iceman, Tom, the Rebel Daughtery, and those are their thumbless players.
And then their thumb-in players actually play the lane really closely.
Dick Allen, Francois Lavoie, and Nick Pate.
Did you say Sterner?
Sterner's not on there.
Oh, yeah, I saw Sterner.
Sterner's on Motown Muscle.
Sorry, I looked at the wrong name.
French Fry's on there.
Yeah, well, I looked at Svensson.
I thought it was Sterner because I can't read.
But their thumb-in players for the Adams splitters are close with the thumbless players.
Now we'll go Jason Sterner, who is on the Motown Muscle, gets moved over to that team, which that team was super high-powered.
And because Austin even said they're overpowered, Sterner is kind of that middle-tier guy.
And Austin also said he's a great team player, so maybe he's the glue that they needed.
How about the tack that's pulling together?
I saw that coming.
And Sam Cooley.
That's a motive team.
It's a good motive team right there.
It's a good motive team.
A lot of motive players.
Justin Knowles, I believe, is Hammer, and Sterner is Brunswick.
Simo is the only Storm guy.
But that's a nice team to have, too.
A little overpowered last year, which they struggled.
Austin even predicted it.
He did.
And now they're adding Sterner in there, who is kind of, like you said, he's a glue guy.
He's a rally monkey glue guy.
That's a good pick-up.
you're absolutely right he's definitely high uh like which you wouldn't actually expect when you're bowling near him or or crossing with him or or just super good in the in the in the house you're like just walking around he's just nonchalant yeah you watch him on the lanes and it's like whoa it's a totally different experience he's he's he's high he's going he's ready to rumble so that's a good pickup and he's not overpowering you know he's not a super high rep guy i mean none of the pros are strokers these days but
As the pros go.
He's a little lower.
He's a little lower rev rate than the other pros.
But, you know, he's definitely going to be an asset to that team.
For sure.
For sure.
What do you got, Kyle?
Or Austin?
Hit me, Austin.
I was going to go with a... Should we give an early prediction this episode?
We can do that now.
I was thinking that we would do that next week.
Yeah, we would have to do it next week because in two weeks, I think it's in two weeks.
Yeah, so we can do our prediction like we did last time.
I've been really liking the... We can do it in two weeks on the 28th because that will be before the first event.
Yep, because next week is the 21st, right?
Yeah, you're right.
So it's a few days after CritNet.
We'll do that on the 28th episode.
We'll do our predictions like we did last time.
Y'all better step it up.
I think the producer's undefeated.
Don't you ever say y'all again.
But a little quick announcement, too, while we're talking about it.
And the coach of the Adam Splitters, as long as everything shakes out, our first show of the year, January 4th, we should have Mark Baker on the show.
So that'll be a nice.
We can pick his team, pick his brain about, hey, actually, we just talked about him.
You got three thumbless guys who play it pretty close.
And then they actually won lefty.
uh the other two thumbless guys are pretty close and they're thumb thumb in players they're thumbed players play the lame fairly close and play lame pretty cool so i wonder if he did that purposely to try to keep his guys make it a little simpler to manage i like that i like that a lot keep your players kind of similar ish now we talk about guys who got snubbed so out of those guys who got snubbed who fits in that range
You know what I mean?
That's what you would really have to look for because it looks like it was a little more scientifically drawn up here in this situation here.
Which would make sense because he's one of the renowned coaches.
He's probably thinking what his thought process is.
Who do I want to take and how am I going to get these guys moving in?
Doesn't look like they're going to go super far left.
You know what I mean?
Except for the thumbless players.
So maybe he kept it that way for a reason.
That way he didn't have an outlier.
I'm trying to look at the list here.
Unbelievable pick by you, coach.
Can't wait to pick your brain.
Anthony Lavery Spar, he cranks it pretty good, I guess.
Yeah, but he's still kind of close.
He's closer to the right.
They went Nick Pate.
Nick Pate's their highest.
Not their highest, but he's probably got more rev rate than the other two thumb-in players, which he does.
So I would say that Lavery Spar kind of fits right where that Nick Pate is.
So would they have been interchangeable?
Who knows?
What do you think about adding...
Having more than one lefty, does that come into play?
Do you want to have only one lefty?
I don't think it makes a difference.
I don't think it would make a difference either.
Well, hi, Bulldogs are sons of before.
It can't make a difference.
I mean, he's only using a fast pitch the whole time.
He used the DNA on that pattern at the Masters.
Oh, and just tore it up.
Yeah, it was bad.
That's my 140 game.
But that's my fault.
I didn't adjust good enough.
But, yeah, I mean, in this case, but it also depends on his look.
You've got to think, man, if he's got the freaking nut, you just throw him at anchor and he ain't going to miss.
The next question I have is are they bowling on the same patterns as whatever the tour stop is that week?
Yeah, at least that's what was in the release.
You had a pattern with Cheetah.
You know who you're putting at anchor.
It's going to be a lefty.
But, yeah, they will be bowling on the same pattern as the stop that week.
And that's a good point, actually, that you bring that up.
We were talking about just a few minutes ago about how each player might be playing or bowling that week or just in practice because it depends on where they line up.
I think it's the same night as what would be the –
pro-am but uh anyway that makes sense let the people see let the people watch so um if you know how how your guys are doing you can then adjust your lineups and especially on different pattern lengths um when you've got somebody like i don't know prather let's say who's obviously really good with longer patterns that you can just tear the color cover off the ball or if you're on a
a cheetah or something short, you've got somebody that can pull on the left or is really good on the gutter.
I mean, it's got to make a difference there, which is, which is nice to see.
I don't know.
I got a lot of, a lot of people that I, I, to be honest with you, I think these rosters are right about what they should be.
I don't really think I'm going to say there's any snubs.
I think, I think, cause I don't think that's, I think these are solid rosters all the way around.
And I think that there's a little more strategy and,
than people think it is.
Because I'm looking at some teams, Motown Muscle, Add Sterner, a little bit of a lower rev rate, and they got Sam Cooley, Simo Tackett, the other Tackett, and Justin Knowles, who I believe is left-handed.
I think he's a lefty two-hander who uses glasses.
Unless I'm getting him confused with Keiko.
No, I'm not even kidding you.
That's how I remember him.
Keiko's a righty.
Keiko's a righty?
Yes, Justin Knowles is a lefty.
He's a lefty who almost exclusively uses purple.
So there's your lefty on the team, by the way.
And the rest of them are a little bit of a higher reverie.
Zach Tackett and the rest of them might be their lowest reverie.
And he's the glue guy who holds the team together.
Kind of just pretty good on everything.
You know what I mean?
He's kind of the jack of all trades.
Jack of all trades.
And he's, like we said, he's got the attitude to keep the team going.
He's a locker room guy.
He's a Joey D. He's a Joey D, except without the alcohol.
I'm sure he's a Joey D with the alcohol.
Probably too.
Who knows?
I know he's a health guy.
He's a health nut.
I do like the, the go bowling team to Tommy Jones, Bill O'Neill.
Then they got the Jake Peters, who I feel like is a little straighter than them.
And Frank Snodgrass, who's kind of in Peter's range.
And then they've got one, one thumbless player and they've got a, uh, Jacob lefty butter.
If they got one left in the team, just like the other guys.
So it seems like that's kind of a theme where there's about a single lefty on the team, except for, you know, a few of them, obviously, uh,
Vegas has got the same deal.
They got a two-handed thumbless player, Matt Russo.
And then it looks like New Jersey's got the same thumbless, packy, hen, hen, hen, hen.
So only one team doesn't... It's hen, ran, ran, ran, ran, ran, ran, ran.
Only two teams don't have it.
Bolero, LAX, and the...
Portland Lumberjacks are the only team without a lefty, and the Waco Wonders are the only team with two lefties.
And the only team I think that doesn't have a thumbless player is the Waco Wonders.
Everybody else has a thumbless player.
Oh, no.
Thumbless player.
Thumbless player.
Thumbless player.
Thumbless player.
Thumbless player.
Thumbless player.
Thumbless player.
You're right.
Waco Wonders are the non-thumbless.
They're the traditional team.
Traditional team.
Team old guy, team tradition.
Mark Roth will be used for the finals by Hirsch Bowling, which I believe they use every year, which is a fair pattern.
There's a little bit more room on that one.
Good for TV.
Yeah, but it's also a fair pattern too because it's got a ton of volume and you've got a bunch of team players.
You make it too hard, it's hard to line up when it's 2-1 when you only get two shots a game, right?
You've got to give the guys a little bit, even though they're that good, even going pair-to-pair, I'm sure it's got to be crazy because you're following a team that's got more thumbless players or higher rev like Motown.
and you're going to come in with a wake of wonders, you're into a wonder of what the lane's going to do.
They will evaporate.
Although, listen, we're talking about these pros.
They know exactly what it's going to do.
No, I'm sure they do.
Or at least they know what to do when it starts to break down.
Listen, I'm sure they do, but still, some guys can't... It's like any other sport.
You can always find a way to get lost.
You can have a good day and you can have a bad day.
That's when you get benched.
So in a couple of weeks, join us when we do our...
What do we do?
What do we call it?
Our rankings, our league rankings, what we believe will happen.
League predictions.
And then which is nice because there's a couple of less teams.
So the spreadsheet will be easier.
What happened to the breeze?
They got taken with the breeze.
Were they a one and done team?
I love that team name.
The Chicago breeze.
That was freaking awesome, man.
And then I wish there was Chicago deep dish.
That's a name.
Now we're talking.
The deep dishers.
The dish because there's a dish in the lanes.
The deep dish because it's pizza.
So, yeah, but we will be back next week with our normal broadcast.
And now it is time for us to go bowling.
So thanks for tuning in.
And don't forget to like, subscribe, click the bell to get alerts from the channel.
Check out Facebook, Instagram, the X. They got blown away.
It's pretty good.
It's pretty awesome.
Show that.
I did.
Gone with the wind.
I did say that.
He's got a little better.
Thanks, Andrew.
Love it.
He's angry elf now, Andrew, because I didn't hear him.
That's an Instagram clip.
All right.
Thank you, Hirschfeld.
We appreciate you, brother.
We can't wait to see you next week.
Thank you guys for taking the time to sit with us, chat with us, and watch and come back next week.
Thank you to Jack Skatia, proprietor of Town & Country Lanes.
Austin Van Buren, nice show tonight.
Anthony, good show.
Just hit himself.
Thank you to my family, Stephanie, Zach, and Ethan.
Jen, Brad, and Winnie the Pig.
We will see you guys next week.
This is Downlane Podcast.

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