

Kyle Haines

Kyle has been bowling his entire life, competing in nearly all levels of competition except professional…for now. Bowling has been his number one passion as long as he can remember. 

Kyle’s family is his pride and joy. He has a wife and two boys and yes, they are absolutely a bowling family!

Kyle’s desire to start Down Lane Podcast came from his love of bowling and his aspiration to help grow and improve the sport.  He hopes this podcast and their YouTube channel will help inform and improve bowlers and non-bowlers alike. 


Anthony Scaccia

Believe it or not, even though Anthony comes from a bowling family, he wasn’t an avid bowler until after college. He was a baseball player all through his collegiate years; a 90mph southpaw in fact. 

After returning home from school he started working at his father’s bowling alley and started training in the pro shop under the late John Drexel. Through the following years his game has excelled and he is ready to take on anyone willing to bowl. 

Anthony joined Kyle to start Down Lane Podcast to teach people about the sport and help it grow. 


Austin VanBuren



Matt Ogle