Down Lane Podcast Bowling Show

AJ Johnson on the Show & Anthony is a CHAMPION! - Season 4 Episode 12 - Down Lane Podcast

Kyle Haines & Anthony Scaccia w/ AJ Johnson Season 4 Episode 12

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The guys welcome AJ Johnson to the podcast for an interview to get his insight on the tour, bowling life, and more.  They also chat up Anthony's BIG win....and when we say big, we mean it!
#bowling #PBA #AJJohnson

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Kyle Haines
Anthony Scaccia

AJ Johnson 

Austin Van Buren

Active Aggression

♫ It kinda helped him advance. I mean, do you think this was a conspiracy? Gotta go with Jacob Buter. Gotta go lefty. No, we're talking about the players.♫ What's up Bowlers. Welcome to downlane podcast. We are streaming live from the lab at town and country lanes. I'm your host. And with me is the, no, the new Northeast mega buck champion, Anthony Skasia. Yes. $20,000 in his hand, in his pocket, in a bank, even congratulations, Anthony. Well done. Wow. That was a little aggressive. Yeah. My ears are feeling, I had to be done. You should have told me to put my earbuds on. The monkey is off the back. He got his win. He is a champion. Wow. And what a big one it was. Congratulations, my friend. Thanks, Kyle. Wow. What a great firm handshake that was. Thanks, Austin. Appreciate your time, effort and love. I am still the most useless person on this podcast. But yeah. I just mean our budget went up, Kyle. I don't know. I haven't haven't received any any residuals from that $20,000 check. But so now the budget still zero dollars. Sorry, guys. I sorry. Maybe later. So on tonight's show, AJ Johnson will be joining us a little bit later, about 715 or so. we will be talking about Anthony's huge success at the Northeast Mega Buck Tournament that we bowled at in Chickapee, Massachusetts. So let us just get right into it, but first don't forget to like, subscribe, click the bell to get alerts from the channel and check out that Etsy shop, which by the way, we need some sirens and alert bells and I got the dingy bell, but we got new merch. New merch in the shop. We need a bigger budget for that stuff. Bowler and bowl. But, so this weekend, um, how did this come about? So this weekend, we're bowling, obviously, at the Mega Buck, and Anthony's like, the scores are high. I should be in already. I was a little fired up because the scores were a cup by like 40. So I got my hundred bucks back. So that was cool I was like, I just don't know if I can throw the ball any better I thought I bowled pretty good and it was on the fresh with urethanes I was like, I don't know and then I said to myself Well bowlers bowl because that was a phrase from someone else that I didn't tell Kyle about until after he made the shirt Joe Dunbar the great Joe Dunbar always says bowlers bowl. So I was like, you to Wilbur because he was in the same situation And then we both went in bold because we're both and then yeah, mr. 900 job over and then we both ended up making the cut actually And both pretty well that shift. So yeah, that's how bowlers bowl. Oh, there's ball. Yeah, you didn't include it I believe it was was it the last game you had a 300 Yeah, yes, it was the last game. So let's take us through the day here I drilled our bowling balls till 315 AM. You want me to start that? Great way to start the week. That's Saturday. Friday. Oh yeah, Friday night, right. Technically it is Saturday. Kyle and I had done a grip change and I heard Purple Hammer was good, so I brought two Purple Hammers in on Friday. Was fairly busy, so I didn't get a chance to do any of my stuff. And then I think I did about 12 balls, refit for me and Kyle, plugged and stuff, I think I got in here at 11. To be fair, my stuff was in here for at least a week. Yeah, I'm not complaining. I just didn't do it because, you know, I didn't do it. Yeah. So I ended up starting the day off, leaving here at about 310, 305, got home, showered, went to bed, back up at 745 and made you drive my truck there. Yeah. That's how we started. And you didn't even sleep. No, I just didn't want to drive. Yep. Did I make you drive home? Understood. Yeah No, no you drove Yep. Anyway, so then we get there we get there we shoot up yeah, we chewed up and You know, we we got to the lanes. We're going on almost 5 to 1 27 mils So I saw purple hammer was pretty good. I tried it in practice. It hooked really early for me I just don't feel like this is it we were on the middle the burn squad though for our First squad that we pulled so I tried the purple slammer purple score maker and it just was a little too early So I was like, you know, I just don't feel like this is it my ball changed into an ethos and Maybe a brutal collision. I don't even know what I really threw maybe a GB the ethos first I think for a few games Yeah, I went to the little to angular little to angular. I went to oh nine 190 140 I think that ball just wasn't it and I just wasn't throwing the ball good at the time The approaches were a little slick for me, too. So There are no excuses for the approaches, but I obviously didn't adjust them fast enough than the last game I think I shot 210 or something. I actually didn't bowl halfway bad game We were signed up for the first two or I should say the middle two squads. We didn't fold early shift middle two squads and there's a there's late squad at four, I mean after I got done shooting my Went right to the desk and signed up for the last squad so I didn't get shut out and you said where were you? Going and I said I'm signing up for the last squad because I'd rather not Need it and lose five bucks than to need it and be shut out so We ended up on the second shift and that was on the fresh and I bowled significantly better Why should 936 Bold bold I bold really well, that was probably the best I've thrown the ball in a long time And I think the cut for my squad was like 980 for the in. And then the at-large moved to like 955. For your division, that was your- 35 and under was my division. Kyle wasn't in my division. So our cut at-large went to 950. I was the first, I was a third in the squad. So I got a hundred bucks. And I would just- Paid for your last squad? Paid for my last squad. And I was kind of just debating bowling. And Kyle's like, you're already here. You know you're gonna ball. It's like yeah, but like I don't know if I can physically shoot more than 950 Famous last words, but last year I did the same thing if you remember Yeah, so I ended up bowling the last squad and I was supposed to go with Tim Foy But Foy shot up 998 the squad before so he ended up pulling out and then the last shift wasn't full which is okay I ended up all with a kid Josh Stanek and the handicapped division and Andrew Hall in my division Andrew Hall beat me by about five pins. He shot 300 and then I also shot a thousand eight and shot 300 And the Josh kid actually made it to like the final like four or five handicap players So he lost the same round. I think Andrew I beat Andrew in the semis So I think he lost the same round as Andrew So that pair actually had a really nice pairing there. So yeah, I Mean that was kind of take you through it. Do you want to know more Kyle? Yeah Yeah, so not only did Anthony win, he shoots 300 that last block. The last. Thousand eight over. Yeah, I was one hundred and eight going into a thousand eight over two hundred and eight over. I came into that with like two thirty seven, two thirty five, two thirty nine. And I actually missed a spare in the tenth frame of the last game. Now, grandpa Haynes is not in my division. He was in the one above. But I missed a score in the 10th to shoot 239. The game, Andrew Hall shot 300. So I had to be game three. And I started that game off, crushed eight, crushed eight, wrapped seven. So I was actually really lined up. I could have had about 1050, really. Whatever it would be. But so anyways, yeah, then we went to the last pair. We ended up kind of towards the middle if Kyle if you know that the low end was wide open the high end was super wet dry and the middle was kind of a blend obviously it was three different bowling centers it wasn't three different bowling centers but it felt like it kind of was which is which is typical I mean of course they're never the same and the high end is where I couldn't strike at all the high end I ended up figuring out how to play it um angry elf season is here it is south pole elf time um on the high end I movedled and I actually was kind of confused for a little bit because I didn't have as much room as a fellow lefty Dennis Bissonette so I never watch other lefties bowl but I'm like well he hooks it way more than me so I can watch him bowl and I saw he was just trying to throw it left so that's when I just opened my angles up and and threw it to the left and the ball never went left because it hooked so early but it ended up being the right move and I played about probably five or six boards I had We'll call it I don't want to call it zones But I had certain shots like I'd move for left and do something a little different and then I would have another Four or five, right? I didn't really have a middle ground It was either four left or four right and I kind of just played it that way And that's kind of how we got to the final. We'll get to the finals and I'll talk about Sunday Already. Yeah, okay. We wanna How did it go? I came in third. So by a pin I beat some guy by a pin. I don't know his name Some random guy from Long Island. I beat him by a stick to get the by With the 300 game. So that was a really big 300 game. So I got a bye to the quarterfinals So I didn't have to be there at 730 I got to be there at I think he said 11 But I showed up right around 1030 Just make sure I got there at 1030 They weren't ready yet so we got practice on the low end with the Division leaders and all the guys who are my division or not in my division in my position Third place so we end up practicing down there On one through four until our time was up and then I had to bowl. I was the old man on the pair I was 20. I'm 29. So I was older than the other two participants I had to bowl by 10 years and Andrew Hall by four or five years. So we all four bowls on that pair and it's eliminator style. So the top two top two players make it to the next round. I started with the front six and I got lucky enough to get a fast start. And then I threw a split in there. I thought it was a good shot just overhooked. And then I just kind of kept it close the rest of the way the other guys were a little too far behind. I knew I kind of made as long as it didn't fall on my face. So I had 242 Andrew shot 247 he struck out for 247 the other kids had about low 200s So we moved on to the semifinal versus Andrew Hall And Andrew had a really good look I kind of expected him to win if I didn't beat him there Because his look was that good Is he still using purple on Sunday? He went back to purple. He threw on Saturday He threw a TNT infused but that was the burn squad at was using purple maybe yeah And then he went to a TNT infused when I bowled with him and then he went back to the TNT infused Because he was trying to figure out how many games are on that lane on that pair and then so he went back to purple and Then him and I were throwing purple in the semifinals actually the whole pairing in the quarter Purple hammers there was one two lefties me and another kid two righties and then our two-handed writing So then we went to the semifinals of old Andrew wasn't looking at the scoreboard. I think I told people that I just I just stopped looking at it because it was irrelevant. I just had to make a good shot. And I got to the 10th and I knew that we were really close. And he just threw a 3610 he made it and then he threw a strike. So I just got up there and I didn't lace that one. I aced it and I I basically shut him out that I think I needed like a spare and five to win. but I got the first one which which I think I want I won 10 by 10 pins to 24 to 14 So I got the first one to kind of ease my mind. I throw a second shot I didn't know I won I feel bad because I walked back and I Walked back and he was walking up to grab his stuff and I'm like, I don't even know if I won Did I win and I just turned up he's like you don't look at the score, man And I was like, no, I I was like, honestly, I just keep bowling at this point. The score is irrelevant I'll look up at the end and see where I am And see where I am. So typical Anthony. Yeah, just doing my thing You know what? I mean, and then we went into the final match and in this in this format. It's uh the division the the 35 and under 35 and over women slash senior division and Handicapped 215 under it basically was four tournaments in one in a sense And then all the winners of that come together for what they call the shootout and the shootout $43,000 in prize fund obviously first being 20,000 second being 12 third being 7 and like fourth being fourth It's just one game roll-off. Basically the senior and the women get the senior and the women get Six pins a handicap and then the the handicap guys I think get 12 any cap guy shot to 66 Yeah, and it's my finals. Yeah, he killed it. Yeah, absolutely. I don't remember his name. His last name was Brown I'll tell you what he was probably the coolest dude there. Yeah, like we were taking pictures for media and stuff and and I'm like, hey man, you nervous he goes man. I don't even know what to do right now, man Watching him on the stream he was just like I was worried for you because I'm watching him throw it and I'm like trouble All day long it was uh, it was definitely interesting, uh, but he was on the left So I did throw urethane very little in practice. They give you like 12 minutes of practice So it's a lot of course, there's me i'm throwing spares in between my legs and behind my back And that was yeah because I was just kind of over the practice. What was that? I was just tired of throwing out spares. I was like, I don't need anymore um So and the other guys wanted more practice, but they were kind of waiting till the end and I was like This is pointless. So I just started making spares, whatever Whatever and then I didn't throw your thing that much because I knew that my shot would carry down But I threw the first three shots in that final pair and I was like this is gonna be really bad Because my ball was not doing the right thing I either hooked way too early or just bailed down lane when I move right and I said well, I'm screwed I'm gonna have to literally just make spares So I wasn't lined up in that game The only guy I really wanted to be seriously and all reality was copying because copying strikes so much I beat him and came in third those other two guys shot 260 like he's just copying when they he's just unreal. Yeah Another guy is a good bowl a throw up. He's bold regionals. The other guy was the handicapped guy He's a really nice guy. He was like I need a drink We end up on the last game and I you know, I started off I thought the left lane was my good lane It had a lot of early hook compared to the right lane. And then when I moved right at bail down lane. So, um, but it did the same for everyone. Everyone has the same trouble, not just one lane, both lanes, all of a sudden, I don't know, depending on what side of the lane you were on, like one lane was got tight and one lane started hooking. It was just, it was wild to see everybody started leaving buckets or, or whatever it was. Yeah. I left a lot of those only a couple of three in one game. But that was the thing. Like I had, it came down to the point where I don't know how they tightened up down lane so much. Cause I didn't throw that much of your thing. Cause I know and they were fresh they were just oil. It was great. They were not and we waited like 10-15 minutes Yeah, and I knew I didn't want to carry down my shot So I threw my game breaker to in the middle lane just to make sure that I was throwing like actual not spares And I threw I actually threw the spare ball in the right lane So I was like you were trying to miss their lineup was like no, dude. I was terrified throwing ten pins I said I was just praying to God I didn't leave one But yeah, so the last game was it was interesting If you went back to the video and watched the last frame, I let the other guy go first. And if you watch my face, I'm looking at the dots and I just go like this. I don't know. So I had two parts of the lane I was playing. I told you guys four, I was like four or five left on one and the other one I was four or five right on the other. All right, well let's watch the last two shots before we bring our special guest on. And then, uh, and here we go. So this is the best part because I literally messed it up. the- the- the- the- the- the last. I go I saw you lean back I said. This is a while literally anybody's- he knows we're gonna throw up he has no idea where he's gonna throw it and like. Pretty good. Great shot and then- it was the second one which was- it is So I need a total they said you need to get nine So that's why it was a little confusing but in any event Yeah, well if you watch that video again, you go back you cut it right as I did this So I ended up splitting well difference, thank you I ended up splitting the difference and just I told myself to throw it real hard and then on the second one I just don't think I threw hard enough. So and that's how I crossed over but we'll take it. I I crossed over on the left lane, the eighth frame, the ninth frame, I rolled a three pin. The 10th shot. Mashed the first one in the 10th. I got the good, well, I kind of got the five out real bad. And then the next shot I crossed over and the last one I actually peered. I think we're just screaming at the dog jumped. He jumped up. I didn't know I needed it because I didn't, I told you, like I was telling you, I didn't look at the score. I was actually counting marks and I said, well, I'm the only guy clean, so I got to be close, right? So. All right. Congratulations once again. Thanks Kyle. Was that a good synopsis? Are you okay with that? It was good. That was off the top of my head. You want more? 20K richer. Wow. Wow. Taxes. Taxes. Gosh darn taxes. All right. Well, everybody's waiting. Let's bring on our guest, newly crowned, newly crowned, I'm going to say international PBA champion. Thank you. Team USA member, of course. We, uh, stuff, um, stuff, the microphone in his face while he was up at Glen's falls. You did. Uh, yeah. Uh, I didn't Brian, uh, uh, why can't I say his last name? I can't say his last name. Okay. Thank you. Um, uh, when he was up at Glen's falls, we interviewed him, uh, when he, uh, coach of, uh, McKendry right back in the, uh, olden days. Yep. Um, What's going on, AJ? How are you? What's going on, guys? Thanks for accepting our invitation. Yeah, of course. I didn't realize coming on today that I would be needing to congratulate the people that were hosting me. Nice job. I also heard you say that T word. I got a little bit of the heebie-jeebies hope you enjoy that $20,000, man. It's, uh, yeah. Enjoy the text, the text document that you're going to get from that from the nice IRS. Looking forward to it. Uh, I've been figuring out all my expenses to try to ease the pain. Hey, just put it away. You're good to go. Appreciate it, brother. That's what we're going to do. We'll see how hard they hit me. And then we'll try. Hopefully not too bad. We'll see. So speaking of Illinois, you're still, you were born and raised in Oswego, right? I was born and raised Oswego, Illinois. And within the next two weeks, I will be a resident of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Oh, really? I will. My girlfriend and I are getting ready to close on a house here pretty soon. Barring everything checks out okay with the sale of my house and everything goes well with that. And then we'll start the tour season not long after that. And then March 7th, her and I are expecting our first child. Yeah, congratulations. Very cool. Congratulations. Thank you. So real quick about Illinois since Oswego is what? Like an hour or two outside of Chicago, right? Yeah, but I mean, give or take traffic, you never know down there. I'm looking forward to getting away from that traffic and enjoying the easiness and the much better ease of getting around up here in Wisconsin. Yeah, about an hour or so out of the city. This may be the most important question of the interview. Deep dish or real New York pizza? Ooh. pizza question. There's only three places where you can get good pizza. If you want deep dish pizza or thin crust pizza, you come to Chicago. If you want hand tossed and pan pizza, you go to New York. And if you want the authentic stuff, you go to Italy. Everyone else is just trying to imitate and they're all crap. All right. Fair enough. That's a good answer. That's a good way to sit on a fence, by the I'm going to try to remember that. My brain doesn't move that fast, but I'm going to write it down. All right. So, uh, lead question, because, uh, it was like this week or last week, uh, maybe it was right before Thanksgiving. Um, cause we didn't have a show last week. Uh, the PBA announced the new elite league, which is, uh, seems really exciting because, um, at least my opinion, I don't want to speak for everybody on, on the show. The league you know, it's kind of weird, whatever, because it's late. It's well, it's not even late in the season. It's after the season. You know, it's just kind of weird for me to watch afterward. But now they're like it's during the season. They're what did I read? 14 or 15 events prior to the finals. It seems really, really exciting now. And you guys are going to be bowling every single tour stop after practice. practice. How are you guys feeling about that? Or I shouldn't say you guys, like you're going to speak for everybody, but give us your point of view about it because it seems way more exciting than the previous league. Yeah, no, it's it kind of it kind of came to all of us as a surprise. You know, we have a we have a group PBA player Facebook group chat that, you know, kind of came to us by surprise. No one really, you know, the until things kind of got finalized and stuff like that. But seeing everything roll out, you know, it's pretty awesome to see what has been talked about in years past kind of start to come to a little bit of fruitition. And I think it's going to be exciting. I think this is the start of something that can be really, really good for the PBA. The PBA League is something that we've always thought as players where, uh, cities that are tied to teams can get behind those teams whenever we're traveling throughout the entire country, uh, during the tour season, um, much like what you see with Portland, uh, with the lumberjacks every single year, I mean, we, they have home, they have home field advantage. Every single PVA league, uh, because we go to Bayside, which is a great thing. We love Bayside, but we're like, man, you know, it'd be cool if we could where other teams could get the home field advantage and kind of have the crowd behind them a little bit. But no, it's gonna be a lot of fun. I think it's gonna require a little more bowling. I think it's gonna require a lot more, I guess, moving parts with the teams throughout the year. This year, or this next season, there's gonna be six guys on a team versus five. And instead of 10 teams, it's going to be eight teams. They took two teams away. They kind of moved some of the managers around a little bit. They changed a couple of the names of some teams. So there'll be 48 players in the PBA League versus 50. But with six players on a team, it kind of gives a little bit more chances of guys kind of going in and out throughout the year, depending on how players are bowling throughout the year, or if there's an injury or a family emergency, things like that. It allows for that and then having the playoffs and the finals ultimately being in Bayside is gonna be cool. And with the matches leading up to that, there's gonna be so much build up and so much anticipation with it. And I mean, it's just gonna erupt when those final six teams get to get to Bayside, which is another kind of different part. not all teams make it to Bayside, only the top six after all the matches. So you will bowl 14 matches throughout the year. Some actually will be on FS1, will be on live television. And then most of the other matches will then be on both TV and live stream. So a lot of TV exposure for some guys. And then, yeah, I mean, I just I think it's can keep building on it and keep going year after year, create different sponsorship opportunities. Like I said, cities can get behind the teams and stuff. So I'm really looking forward to see what happens. The draft is gonna be December 13th. So that's the day right before we close on the house. So I'm gonna be packing the moving van up also with both TV up trying to watch the draft and see what happens with that. But I'm really looking forward to it. I hope I end up with a team. Hopefully I end up getting protected on Las Vegas because we've had a really great team the last couple of years. We've all bowled well together. Amleto is an amazing manager. He's one that's lived it. He knows how to kind of handle the different intricacies with bowling on TV as a team and stuff like that. So he's been great with us. And we bowl really well since being on a team. We finished second, third, and third. So I mean, there's nothing you can really complain about that. So yeah, it's going to be interesting. Yeah, you touched on a couple of points that we've talked about before. One being the buildup that you don't get previously in the way that the league was formed or formatted, I should say, where it's like, we just get to see a week of events. The people in Portland, they look like they're having a freaking great time because they get to see the whole event. we don't get that build up just on TV. But now it's gonna be a whole season. It's gonna be just like watching football or watching baseball, I think anyway, where you're seeing if you're watching it on Bull TV or whatever or on FS1, and hopefully they cover it on that weekend's tournament on TV. They show you the highlights of what happened as well, because I think that is really important to build up some storylines, build up some player profiles because like you touched on, not everybody makes TV, right? So like somebody like that we talked about that's kind of from not our area, but kind of down the road a little bit. Jason Sterner, no, good boy, right? Good guy. Doesn't make a lot of TV shows, but he's on, on the hype. I don't remember what team he's on. Awakening Wonders. Thank you. The Reign of Chance. You didn't know that Kyle. Well, whatever my brain, my brain does not work. You know, but he gets to be on TV a lot more, right? And then we'll get to learn more about these guys that aren't EJ and Simon and AJ and all these guys that are on TV all of the time, right? Taking up all of the airtime because we only have so much or so many dollars to spend on just the finals. So it's going to be way better, I think, for bowling to have all of these, uh, not tour stops, but, uh, events, events. Yeah. It's going to make it so much better. Yeah. I, I agree a hundred percent. Like you said, you know, guys, you know, get some more TV time and stuff, you know, all the fans and everything in years past, they, they get to see just the final five on TV. And, you know, I've said for a long time, you know, I wish we could get, you know, some super rich guy to come in and want to, and match play in the finals all on TV all week long, just like you do a golf. That would be incredible because then you could, everyone can watch their favorite players all the time. You could create storylines and see everything that unfolds every single, every single week, whether it be a major or a smaller event. So I think this kind of gives a little bit more with that and having the team atmosphere, which you see a lot of things kind of come out of players in that team environment. You know, some emotion and stuff comes out a little bit more than what you would see in a singles match. So it'll be cool. I think it's a great opportunity and I hope it just continues to build. And I hope, you know, companies and the PBA sees what, you know, what a great product that they have with it and can just keep building and building it year after year. You seem to be probably one of the more intense guys on the shows for sure. It's his football side. What do you do to kind of keep yourself in check mentally on the lanes day to day, minute to minute, hour to hour? Is that a song that I just sang? I think there's a song that's like that. If it's not, you definitely could record it babble and they make millions. So I'm sure you could do something with it. Hit the B button Austin so we can go back in. But yeah, so what are you doing to keep your headspace right? I see the other day I saw wearing ear pods. What music are you listening to or what are you listening to when you're practicing or whatever? What do you do mentally to keep yourself in the right state of mind? Yeah, no, I definitely think earlier on in my career, I definitely would kind of let the emotions kind of go a little bit more than what I do now. I've learned over time how to control them, let them out when the right time and keep them, you know, kind of keep them quiet on TV, especially in singles matches, too, and conserve that energy and utilize it when needed. But I work with a mental performance coach. I, uh, I kind of touched on a lot of that, uh, in the, the, the last article that was written in Bowler's journal. Uh, his name's Brian Kane. Uh, he's out of Arizona. He works with a lot of high end, uh, athletes. Uh, he worked with George St. Pierre for the longest time, uh, during his career. Uh, he's, he works with a lot of, uh, division one NCAA programs. Um, he works with Corbin Burns, uh, pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers. got a long list of guys that he, you know, that he's worked with and has been successful with. And we, I got the chance to meet him and work with him with team USA. Uh, the first time I think it was back in like 2018. Um, and then just within this last year, I reached out to him on a personal level to work with him individually, to do things with them because I was, I was really struggling with a lot of stuff. Um, and I, and I hit on some of those things in that article. Um, but you know, we, we set a lot of stuff in place about, your days, having everything in place, ready to go for every single day, planning out every minute of the day, no matter what's going on, especially during the tour season for me is really important because we have a lot of stuff going on week to week, travel, different cities, trying to figure out the best time I can get home. Now with the little one on the way and trying to get all that stuff planned out is very difficult, especially when our time pulled in a lot of different directions. So, uh, we work on that, a lot of scheduling. Um, and then a lot of stuff that he does is process oriented and just having something to go to, um, throughout the week. Um, so we, I have a whole process that, you know, I could tell you like the back of my hand that I do before I throw every shot, I mean, it doesn't matter. I mean, I, I bowled league the other night and I do the same thing when I'm, when I'm throwing a shot in league that I do when I'm bowling the U S open, uh, in qualifying or, you know, at any point in time. So we worked on a lot of that stuff and when to recognize when things are kind of going haywire and what to do to kind of release that and let things go and kind of get back on the same track and just really focus on one shot at a time. And that the only shot that matters is the next one because it is the next one. And that's all you can control at that point in time. So we did a lot of stuff with that and just to kind of, he was able to kind of break things down for me and look at things in a different perspective since he's not a true bowler himself. He just works with everything upstairs and that's what he's trained in, that's what he's a professional in. And he kind of set everything out for me and said, hey, you know, why are you doing this to yourself when you're still right where you want to be? You just need to figure out what you need to do personally a little bit better on the lanes. So that way you can ultimately get to where you want to get to. And he's been a huge, huge help for me and is going to be going forward throughout my career. One of the things I also noticed is it seems like fitness is a huge aspect in your life life and on tour and you're boring. I'm really sure right now. You know, I'm working on my dad bod right now. So it's not really. No, I'm. I'm tired of it, dude. I'm all about it. Kyle's on a weight loss program. If you want to follow along, you can just. It's all right here. Anyway, so I used to travel for a living, so I know all about how horrible travel, food and diet is. How, how do you do that? Like, so we went to the masters last year and like, we're like, wow, there is a lot of just nothing to do time. Like what do these guys do all day, every day? I think we sat in the, in the hotel room last day for six hours playing tic-tac-toe. Tic-tac-toe or whatever it was on the phone. I like it. Yeah. Who was the champion? I don't. He killed me like every time. I don't play those games. I'm just, uh, you know, and then we watched like the, uh, the golf thing on, uh, yeah, the golf docket. I'm like, wow, these guys have so much, like, what the heck do these guys do all day? So yeah. What do you guys do to keep your, your, your mind in the right place? Obviously other than what you just talked hours between squads and with your health and everything like what, what can you guys do to keep yourselves in the right state with all those hours? Yeah. I mean, it, it, it obviously just depends on the event. It depends on you know, where, you know, where we're at. I mean, there are some places where, where we go, where it's, it's super cold outside and you don't really want to go do many things outside of, you know, where you're at. And then you know, when we have the multiple squads, you know, where you get the downtime. Depending on when it is that I have to bowl, it will dictate kind of what I do throughout the day. So if I bowl early, then, you know, it's bowling, you know, right away, beginning of the day. And then later on, it's, you know, grabbing some food and then going back, maybe getting a light workout in, and then just trying to do what I can at night to get my body to calm down, get some good rest, you know, figure out, you know, if I need to figure out a different game plan, I talk with our ball reps in between squads quite a bit just to get an idea of what's going really well, what's not looking good, and just to get a feel when I come into the bowling center the next day so that I can get a better game plan or just kind of continue on what I have been doing. We don't really watch a lot of bowling. There's not a lot of guys that will go and just sit in the bowling center and watch all day long. Sometimes I will, just depends on when I bowl. So you talk about the Masters, so before the afternoon block, like in the morning, I would get up, get everything ready. I'd go over a little early just to watch, because we're going to be bowling on what is left over from them. So we'll go and watch that. But when we have a tour stop where it's an AB squad and it doesn't really matter, you might catch the last couple games just to see what they're doing. But then ultimately, it's just having conversations with the ball reps just to figure out what they saw and then what you can kind of do a game plan around that and then all and then plan for you know what will happen in your squad depending on who's in your squad as well. But yeah, then all you know away from away from bowling you know food wise you know Jimmy just kind of like I said it depends on where we're at. You know I go to Planet Fitness because there's one in every city. Not a huge fan of Planet Fitness. just not swap the weights, man. Yeah. Okay. I know, you know, they have this lunk alarm and they say they don't judge anyone, but as soon as you drop away, they judge you immediately. So I, yeah, I don't, I don't. He's own except. So I, I like it because there's one in every city we go to. So I always have access to something. Um, but there's sometimes where I'll just use the hotel gym. If I'm staying in a hotel versus an Airbnb body weight stuff just to get the body going either in the morning or when I'm done to stretch and all that good stuff. That's been a much bigger focus for me over the last couple of years is the stretching, the functional movements, the body weight stuff. Not so much a lot of higher weight or a lot of we're on our legs for so long. I have a guy that I work with pretty religiously at home. His name's Paul Schroeder. He works with fast-track physio, or he owns fast-track physio. He works with a lot of stuff with me to give me things to do when I travel so I can get my body, certain muscles activated to get going before I bowl. a lot of like soft tissue release, myofascial stuff, um, things that are really important for us with bowling more so than the actual, you know, lifting part. So I'm trying to do more of that. Um, as I, as I travel just to, to keep my body going in the, in the longevity part as well. What's the diet or diet? Like, are you like a no carb guy? Are you a keto guy? Are you a meat guy? Like what's your thing? Oh, I, yeah, I always look for protein no matter, no matter what I, yeah, that's a big must. I don't really follow a strict diet plan. I try to find whatever I can, like the best option that I can whenever we travel. So I'll tell the guys that if we go out to eat with some people, I'll say, hey guys, you guys figure out where you wanna go, I'll always be able to find something because I don't wanna pick a place that they won't be able to find something if they don't wanna eat, if they don't wanna. I'll find something no matter what. But when I'm home, when I was able to, I ate a lot of chicken, a lot of lean ground turkey, rice, broccoli, those sorts of things. And so I try to find a lot of that stuff when we travel and whatnot. You can find anything, your favorite meal or that you had this year or if you're going to go there again. Oh man, that is so tough. I should have gave you a list of questions I had, but I can't find at home or that I would be able to eat. But when I do get to come home, because it's not everywhere, I always I love going back to Portillo's and get myself a chopped salad with extra chicken. I don't even know what that is. A chopped salad? No, Portillo's. Oh, it sounds well, it's Italian, obviously. It is Chicago grown. It is the original one was in Chicago. It used to only be you can only get it in the Chicago land area. But now they've, they've branched out. I mean, there's one in Fort Wayne, there's one being built in Vegas. There's one up in Gurney. Uh, there's one in Arizona, there's one in California. So they're growing, but all right. They need to get one out and out on the East coast for you guys. So you guys can experience Or when we, when we go out to Vegas for, uh, nationals, we can OCs, we can, uh, we can stop if it's there. He said, well build one in Vegas I just don't know where or when it's gonna be done. Well and speaking of Vegas you bowl at OCs with your dad I heard. I do. Has bowling been a big family thing for you guys? Oh yeah. I probably wouldn't be bowling if it wasn't for my dad and my mom. They my parents met in a bowling center. I learned how to walk in a bowling center. It's been something like I used to always enjoy when I was real little, I used to enjoy going and watching my dad bowl the open championships every year. And if I didn't get to go, I'd throw a fit. Cause that was like the one time I got to get away from home and travel. And I actually got, there was one story that my dad loves to tell everyone when it comes to like the bowling stuff was when I was little, I think I was, you know maybe seven, eight years old, six, I don't know. He was going to the Open Championships and it was a year that I couldn't go. I got told no and I was not happy about it. So when my dad wasn't paying attention, I took all of his underwear out of his suitcase and hid it in my room. And then he got to the Open Championships and he called my mom and said, I have no underwear. And for that from my because I know like when he gets to a certain age he's going to equate. Bowling to dad leaving. Yes. And so I'm waiting for just because of how I knew I was and what I did. I'm waiting for something like something is going to happen when I get ready to leave for a tournament and I'm going to end up calling home. I'm going to end up calling home. I'm going to end up calling home. I'm'm gonna end up calling home and going what the hell I did little shit like. Seriously I got to find all this new stuff now. Yeah that's fantastic. That is a great. Stephen quick wanted to know if there were any other gym rats on tour that you hang out with or if there are any other on tour. Yeah Jason Sterner is a big one. I was in there and his Jason Sterner his wife is actually and sports performance person. She's actually working with Paul, who owns Fast Track. They're working on rolling out a whole bowling exercise thing, which is pretty cool. Marshall Kent, he's my roommate on tour. He's another one. Him and I go all the time. Darren Tang, Chris Vi. A lot of the younger guys are starting to go a lot more. I think they're starting to see the importance with it how well it can be utilized, you know, for us and the guys on our tour. Some of the older guys, not so much, but the younger generation guys, they're definitely doing it more. It seems like it's definitely swinging that direction, right? So like, you can see the paradigm shift from even my age group to your guys age group. It's only eight or 10 years, but still. Yeah. But yeah, you can see the shape difference if you will. Yeah. It's, you know, it was one of those things where like, you know, those guys that were winning all the time, like they were, you'd look at some of the guys that are winning and they're like, wow, they probably haven't really been in a gym or seen the inside of the gym. And, and so, you know, some of the guys that are either some of the older guys that are actually bowling a lot better now. I mean, there was a stretch where, where Belmo was really, was really getting after it quite a bit. And it showed, you know, he was, he looks more athletic. He looked, you know, like he was doing things to take care of that. And, and he was born really well. Um, you know, there are just some, you know, with bowling, it's, you know, there's a lot of, there's a lot of guys that don't think you need to do anything like that in order to win on tour. And that was the case for a while. Um, but you know, I think we, like you said, we're starting to see a little bit of that, you know, that switch. that switch and, and it's not necessarily like, you know, I, I, I speak a lot about it, but like, you know, it's not so much of like, you gotta be a gym rat and work out and throw weights around and, you know, you gotta be able to bench three 25 and all that stuff. Like, that's not it at all. It's, it's more so of getting everybody to view bowling as a true sport and not the, especially professional bowling and not the bowling of, you know, showing up you know. You know you know eating you know eating a eighteen inch size pizza and three pitchers of beer. In a league night you know like that's not what we're trying to promoter we're trying to get rid of that stereotype. I mean that's good I like that I made. Partake in some of that. I do too. That I'm only for fun and you mean it's only I'm not gonna have a couple Jack and best with you, but I 100% agree. But it also has its health impacts too, as far as, I mean, longevity on the lanes. If you want to be bowling, I mean, if you want to be winning and bowling for as long as you can look, I don't want to say anything bad about the guy, but look at a West Malat. He's his back is killing him. I mean, if he maybe took feeling that pain? I don't know. I don't know the guy. I'm just saying, you know, I know he's trying to, he's, he's actually been one that's really trying to do some stuff now. Yeah. And it's been cool to see, but the one example of, I always use and the guy, like, I could not believe how good of in shape he was. Cause I just didn't know all the things he was doing. Um, but the prime example is Norm Duke. Yeah. That guy was in the locker room. that he won two events not too long ago before he retired. He was in the locker room and he changed his jersey and the guy at 52, 53 years old still had a fricking six pack. I'm like, dude, what are you, like, do you just not eat ever? And he did what he had to do to keep himself winning. Yeah. 60 years old, basically. Yeah. It was a killing year that year too. Yes, it was unreal. Unbelievable. That was the Indianapolis Open. Yeah. How do you guys. Yeah. How do you just. Your memory is unbelievable. Now what what what physical advantages do you see going in the gym. Rev rate higher just feeling better better throughout the blocks like what if you have noticed. It's better 100 percent. I mean I don't necessarily think you know the reverie part of it. I mean you'll see a little bit because you have a little areas. Definitely the legs, being able to use your legs more. But ultimately, it's just the feeling better and feeling like when you go from week to week that you don't really have to worry about things that are happening with your body. You can just focus on bowling at that point. That's one thing that I thought was great. Yeah, I got to get loose and stretch and I use a massage gun and things like that body that I didn't have to worry about that I could just worry about the bowling side of it and figuring out the lanes and doing things like that. And that's a huge part with traveling because a lot of us, we drive and we're driving five, six, seven, eight hours at a time. And we got to be able to figure out ways to make our body feel better after we're doing that so we can get ready to bowl at the highest level. And stuck in a single position for multiple hours. It's freaking horrible. You get locked in. It's terrible. Then you get up and walk and it feels like you've never done it before. Yeah. Got you. I'm gonna go to you B. and who was your favorite player growing up. The favorite player one is- that's easy and I I'm sure I'll- I mean I don't know how how it gets taken these days but- my favorite player ever of all time hands down no questions asked Tom Brady. I will say a guy that I just always watched, you know, on things that I wanted to do when I played. And as it started to grow, like, he was always winning and winning with guys that, you know, didn't become a name until after they played with Brady, like, and it was amazing to see how he worked throughout a season and making it to the final game every single season, and then getting So I bet there's no questions asked me like you I don't think we will ever see another Tom Brady in the NFL for a very very very long time. Sadly your dolphins. It's terrible what. I'm doing a click with this weekend he's- so I'm- I'm kind of pulling for him because I don't really have a dog in the fight anymore you know I'm trying to find a new. before and- and get behind it was Kirk cousins for a little bit after I watched the quarterback special- on Netflix. And they eat towards Achilles I'm like well. I can't do that right now. I'm trying to I'm trying to pull for Josh Allen a little bit I like I like Josh Allen- you just don't like anybody Kyle I mean. Everybody that's used to you even like your own I mean, I root for them because that's where I'm from. So, but it's very hard to do these days. Like it is very hard. Like it, it, like it hurts my eyes to watch what they're doing. They're play calling the, like, I'm like, guys, I'm like, how many times on third and eight are you gonna run a screen route. I just. To complete. It would be some money last week all right. Customer White Sox White Sox okay that's an interesting one when I pick the White Sox when I was a child I was I pick the White Sox for some reason but I I will say my best game when I played, I had a game I threw for 548 yards and five touchdowns. That was my best game. Holy crap. Hey, we'll get him on Dallas. Anthony played quarterback in high school. No, I didn't. I quit that job. No, man, I wanted to hit people. I went back to linebacker. That's what I like to do. What do you think bowling as an industry, I mean, I think the PBA is trying their hardest, I really do. What do you think bowling as an industry could do to like help it explode? Like, I don't know if there's any right, wrong or whatever. And yeah, like, like, you know, I feel like I think it's getting better. Don't get me wrong. I think there's a lot more people bowling. I think it is getting better. But what do you think if there's one thing you could say, what do you think a bowling something could be done? Oh, man. Um, you know, that's one of the things that we talk about in the industry, especially at the professional level, a lot, um, trying to figure out ways that. You know, we can grow and get back to, you know, where bowling was in sports back in like the eighties and nineties, early nineties. Um, and it's, it's tough because you have CEOs of five, a fortune 500 companies that go play golf. They don't go to the bowling center and bowl. And all their sponsorship dollars, they get allocated towards golf. That's why you see companies like BMW, Rolex, Omega, FedEx. John Deere. John Deere. I mean, John Deere, nationwide. They put their money in golf because the CEOs of those companies, the higher ups of those companies, they do business on the golf course. And we got to figure out a way to try to get them to see that bowling is cool. I see all the time with certain guys that play other professional sports, Mookie, T.O., those guys, they think what we do is so cool and they love it. But how do we get the guys that are involved in those sports and the people that throw millions of dollars into those sports also get involved in bowling. And it's tough. And the biggest thing that we struggle with too in bowling is the separation between professional and amateur. There's no other sport in the world where an amateur can go and make more money than a professional, but you can't in bowling. And bowling likes to punish those that are really good. Like there are certain events that I cannot bowl because I'm a PBA player. Or because I've made Team USA. Like before I even made a TV show on tour, I wanted to bowl a tournament and I read in there I couldn't even bowl because I was on Team USA. For whatever reason, I don't get it, like guys, I got, I, I know a guy that, that plays golf on the corn ferry tour and had, had for so long. And he did well and don't get me wrong, did really well. But the difference between that and what you, what they make at the PGA level is astronomical. You, we don't have that in bowling. There are guys that are just, they'll just bowl amateur events. Like they're for, for a while, there were than guys that bowled on the PBA tour. Can't have that. I mean, our regional tour, we've talked about this on the show before. The regional tour is not even a way to make money. Like and you might say or someone might say that it shouldn't be, but you should absolutely be able to, I shouldn't say make a living, but you shouldn't be going out there every or whatever they're available in our region and have no opportunity to make money. Anyway, so point being, it's just, at least with the Corn Fairy tour, you have an opportunity to make the tour. And then with regional, it's like, you make all need some of that now for this coming season, but it was still kind of a slap in the face to the kind of the point that you were making, uh, with the, but yeah, no, for sure. And I, I, I definitely think that, you know, the, having the regional tour be a stepping stone into the PBA tour, I think, I think there could be a better way to go about that. I don't know the answer to that. I'm not, I mean, that just you know trying to figure out a way to create that as a stepping stone where like you know You have guys that bowl the regional tour, you know much like how it is in the Corn Fairy and let's say that the top ten guys in in The regional level, you know put them all together or or the top the top two or three from every region Gets to earn a certain status on the PBA tour where they don't have to bowl PTQs. They get to bowl bull priority entry or they get to bull the tour the actual event for the whole season. You know or you know or you know being able to throw a little bit more money in the regional tour to be able to show like you know get provide that big stepping stone into the into the national tour. You know there's a there's so many different ways that we can you know we could probably sit here for the next three hours and come up with different ways that we could do things can get us to that certain spot. But it comes down to viewership, viewership on TV, which I think Fox has done. I think Fox has done an amazing job taking us on because they want to have us, they want to broadcast bowling. They've done a better job than what ESPN had done in the past. But just creating viewership, getting us in the public eye, getting us in front of guys that have the millions of dollars that want to watch it and say, you know what, this is really cool. This is fun to watch. And they want to sponsor it. They want to put their money into it. You know, the betting part of it, betting sports, betting is huge across our country, and there's, we got to figure out a way to do that with professional bowling as well. They did it for a little while, but I don't know what all transpired from it. Cause we're really not able to do anything with that. Um, you can't throw your own match? I don't think that's happening. Can't Pete Rose that thing? No, but it's finding, figure out a way to get that, the money and things like that and create the viewership and, and, um, you know, what will get us back to that. Like I said, it is getting better. It's, you know, there's a ton of people that bowl. I mean, bowling is still one of the to soccer, but we just got to figure out a way to just somehow equate that or turn that into dollar amounts to where we're bowling for real professional sports money. Not to take anything away from where we're at now, because it is way, way better than what it was. They're really trying to figure out ways to do that. But in the professional sports world, we're like, man, golfers are making ... You've got you know, you got to get down into the hundreds before you find the guy that doesn't make a million dollars. Right. Yeah, I don't know what the teams, just going back to the Elite League, I don't know what the teams were making, if much of anything, to bowl in that tournament. But now there's like $ 15,000 a guy. So that's good. But yeah, it all comes down to, like you said, getting more viewers to watch, which will bring in the sponsorships and ultimately make more money for the guys on tour. One last thing before we let you go, strings, where you at? I was gonna ask him that. Oh, string pins, I think, you know, at a recreation level makes sense because it helps with the, uh, the cost and maintenance part of, of keeping a bowling center can make a bowling center run a lot longer. You know, the, the guys, uh, the availability of guys that can truly work on certain machines nowadays are a lot scarce than what they used to be. So as from that standpoint, it makes elite level of bowling at the high level of bowling, string pins just don't make sense at all. Which I 100% agree, but at the same time, if you keep dividing, like you said, he's getting called out. If you keep dividing elite... I'm trying to get baby mama to come on here. Versus amateur, come on down. Elite versus amateur, then you'll just start dividing. You'll have a huge canyon versus, oh, I can bowl here for a tournament or I can only bowl here for a tournament or I can only bowl here for league. That's where I see a major problem. Sure. Strings then like this place it's only allowed to bowl in recreational leagues and this place is you're only allowed well you can bowl everything in this place that has free fall. But this place is only allowed to bowl recreation so that's that's where I see a huge problem with that but. And I and I and I did get to I got to test a little bit of it. At USBC at Team USA camp. Last I think so, but it was in the testing process. So it was before whatever they got to now Where I guess they figured out a way to whatever length of string material string whatever it is To where they're saying that they actually kind of fall a little bit more like free falling But the when I first bowled on it It was definitely, you know, not that way at all Sometimes you get the six pin that just lays flat in front of the ten, you don't get nothing. Or I've seen one of the centers near me actually just went to it, and I've seen a kid, I was told about a kid actually, that had the front five, he threw the sixth one, all ten pins went down, but you look up at the screen and it registered a nine, and the string respot the seven pin, and they say that you just have to go with it. because you watch all 10 fall, but then it registers a nine and it sets it back up. It makes no sense to us. Yeah. And then the strings, according to the USBC rules, are allowed to knock pins over in the new rules. And then they can split are way easier with strings and they are free fall. And if the pin's off spot, you can't reset it off spot with string pins. So it has to always go back to a four pin. So it's just, I don't know. They're not for me. They're not for Kyle. Kyle's a true old school rubber bowling ball. Yes, you know, I know free fall for me is great because I like when when we throw messengers or something like that, it's great. String pins, you don't get very many messengers, right? It would. That's what I'm it. It'd be dead, deader on arrival, in my opinion. That's what I'm saying. At the elite level where we're at, it doesn't really have a place, but I understand it from a maintenance and cost level for running machines and running bowling centers and keeping bowling centers going, for sure. All right. Well, I appreciate you coming on tonight. You've overstayed. Well, you haven't overstayed. We've kept you on too long. So I appreciate you staying on with us and thank you very much for hanging out with us. Good luck this year and have a nice holiday season and we'll see you hopefully on a lot of TV shows. Yeah, no, that's the plan. I appreciate you guys having me. I love talking about all this stuff. It gets me excited for next season and everything like that. And yeah, the goal, now the goal is to not be the international.♫ No, it still counts as national PBA. I ain't letting nobody take that shit away from me. It's not worth it. I no longer have to pull that stupid PTQ before the TOC. So we're good to go. It's all good. It's all good. I'm glad you left the show then. I'm glad you saw it. I wish you the best of luck, brother. Make sure you get one on the national side. That's right. Yeah, Adrian's the next one. So yeah, I'm looking forward to it. excited with the move and the baby coming. There's gonna be a lot of things going on, a lot of people counting on me. So I think it's gonna be fun and just try to do as much as I possibly can. And I think it's gonna be fun to do the new PBA Elite League as well. So I appreciate you guys having me and letting me kind of talk about some stuff. And hopefully you guys get me on next year and we can do some more stuff. Heck yeah, man. You got it. Thank you very much, man. You too. Take care. You guys have a good night. All righty, A.J. Johnson on the show. That was good. Good stuff. Yeah, I'm glad he saw what I said, baby. I love it. I'm glad he was. He was fantastic. Yeah, it was a good show. Good, good interview. And I do. I really love that. There's more people speaking of about the mental side of bullying. Yeah, I know I was perusing through Facebook and Daria had made a post about the mental the mental side of it, creating physical differences, the physical side of it, creating mental differences, and I think a lot of people kind of put that to the wayside until they, you know, get into tournaments and are like, I don't know what to do, and that's when they start to kind of focus in on the mental side of it. I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm a freaking head case. No, no, it couldn't be Kyle. Kyle, we think I've got two under thinkers and one over there. It is time for us to go bowling. So please don't forget to like subscribe. Click the bell to get alerts from the channel. Thank you guys for hanging out with us tonight while we had A.J. Johnson on. It was great to hear you from my Facebook. No, it was from Instagram from our from our account, from our downland podcast. Are you stop? We have my Facebook now. Are you? Oh, no, no. I use a heck the other day. I saw that. No. So thank you, AJ, for coming on. Great show. Great interview. Don't forget to go to the Etsy shop, which has some new merch in it. Got a new t-shirt. Bowler's Bowl. We got the down the excuse me, the Thane Bang shirt is in there. We'll bowl for food. We've got some big sales on the willbow for food. So big sales. I think maybe we should get a lefty love shirt on there with maybe a picture of the 20 K ball. cable. Ooh, that'd be interesting. New merch that I need to work on. Don't worry. I did all the new merch. I don't know how you make them, man. I don't know how it works. You have to show me. I don't get it. I'm just not, I'm not. Here we go. You two have no big shot over here. You guys can always email us at downlanepod at If you can't catch the show on YouTube, where you should like it, you can like and subscribe. You can and listen on your favorite podcast service, excuse me. And thank you to Jack, I can't even talk tonight. I'm still nervous. He's still nervous. He's still nervous. Wow. For having us here in the Pro Shop. Thanks to you, Austin, the producer of Van Buren, for producing this video. Thank you to Stephanie, Ethan, Zachary for being there for me. And yep, watching me do this every week and letting me leave the house early. Hopefully Ethan had a good grilled cheese tonight. Thank you to Anthony for doing a fantastic job sitting here listening while I asked most of the questions. I had a few other questions, but I let you go, because I was letting you do your thing. You're doing a great job. And thanks to Kyle for putting this all together today and showing me how to do everything. We'll see you guys next week. Whoa, whoa. What did I forget? Thanks, Jambred. There it is. This is Downlane Podcast.♫

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